’71 death threats’: Michael Brown’s family pastor believes fire that trashed his church was intentional


’71 death threats’: Michael Brown’s family pastor believes fire that trashed his church was intentional


Flood Christian Church Pastor Carlton Lee [NBC News]

While federal officials are investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed Michael Brown’s family church, their pastor and other Ferguson community members believe the building was targeted, the Washington Post reported.

“Seventy-one death threats,” Pastor Carlton Lee told the Post. “I’ll never forget what one man said to me: I’m going to come pick you up with all you other hateful ni*ger preachers and put you all in your church and burn you straight to hell.”

Brown’s father, Michael Brown Sr., and stepmother were members of Lee’s congregation at Flood Christian Church. Lee reportedly counseled the elder Brown after his son was shot and killed by a local police officer, Darren Wilson, this past August. The church was torched on Monday night, following the announcement that Wilson would not be indicted in connection with the shooting.
But unlike several buildings that were also set on fire during the unrest that followed the announcement, NBC News reported, the church is far away from the parts of West Flourisant Avenue that saw the most disturbances and protesting. Also, no buildings near Lee’s church were set on fire…..MORE HERE

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