Head to head over Ukraine in Europe


prox3For sometime now we have been telling you that the Cold War never stopped. That America saw her chance at global domination after the fall of the Soviet Union, and then push on trying to accomplish just that. It didn’t pan out as she figured.

proxNow with the rise of China and the re-emergence of Russia, she is perplexed on how to handle her nemesis’. China, the nation that could destroy her living standards, economy, and way of life without firing a shot…and Russia, the #1 nuclear power on earth, the nation that could incinerate the entire landmass of Continental America, these things she knows ,but she has been blinded by rage and arrogance.

This thing will heat up to an inferno when America is defeated and pushed out of Asia. The signs are very clear!!!

Ukraine is US proxy in war against Russia: Analyst


The US has been waging a war against Russia and Ukraine serves as the proxy, Don DeBar says.
The United States is leading a “proxy war” against Russia and Ukraine serves as the battlefield, says Don DeBar, political commentator and radio host from New York.

The head of US forces in Europe has warned about Russia’s militarization of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea.

After meeting with Ukrainian leaders, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove, who is NATO’s top military commander, said the United States was “watching for indications” that Russia might move “nuclear capabilities” on the peninsula.

Gen. Breedlove was in Kiev for high-level talks over the crisis in Ukraine.

“The United States watching Russia and accusing it of militarizing Crimea is a fantastic concept; when you consider that Russia has had a naval base there since 1783,” DeBar told Press TV on Thursday.

“There was a treaty negotiated with Ukraine in 2010, extending Russia’s lease from Ukraine, when Crimea was gifted from Ukraine to Russia” and allowed “the Russian Navy to stay there until 2042,” he continued.

“There has been a tug of war back and forth between the US and Russia basically, and with Ukraine as a proxy, since the fall of the Soviet Union… when Russia and Ukraine were part of the same nation state,” the analyst noted.

Washington accuses Moscow of arming and supporting pro-Russian forces fighting in Ukraine, a charge dismissed as “groundless” by Russia.

The conflict broke out in April following Crimea’s reunification with the Russian Federation a month earlier.

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