America’s worst nightmare: They(your enemies) have what you have!


asb2What is going on? Didn’t Elijah Muhammad state that at the end of this world America’s enemies would have the same type of weapons that she has, and some even better? Tell me what do you see?

He said  before the Mother plane and the 1,500 bombing planes aboard her goes into effect, Allah would make America and her enemies fight it out. He said….”They’re going to her and her enemies get rid of them.

asbShe has enemies who have the same thing that America has. They will be made to fight first to rid each other of the other…just about. They will almost kill each other.

This is what they’re being driven to now…to do away with each other!”-pg.96(t.t.o.t.)

asb3You are getting a glimpse of this now. Have you noticed that every time America presents a so-called game changing weapon or weapon’s system, China or Russia announces an equal or better version and neutralizer to that weapon?

The Russian Air Force’s Super Weapon: Beware the PAK-FA Stealth Fighter


Should the West be worried about Russia’s next-generation fighter-jet?
Dave Majumdar

The Russian Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA stealth fighter could prove to be a formidable competitor to American fifth-generation combat aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Indeed, in some measures, the new Russian warplane will exceed both U.S.-built jets, but the PAK-FA is not without its flaws.

“The analysis that I have seen on the PAK-FA indicates a pretty sophisticated design that is at least equal to, and some have said even superior to U.S. fifth-generation aircraft,” former U.S. Air Force intelligence chief Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula told the National Interest. “It certainly has greater agility with its combination of thrust vectoring, all moving tail surfaces, and excellent aerodynamic design, than does the F-35.”

Indeed, the PAK-FA appears to be optimized for the air-superiority role like the F-22 more so than the multirole, strike-optimized F-35. Like the Raptor, the PAK-FA is being designed to fly high and fast to impart the maximum amount of launch energy to its arsenal of long-range air-to-air missiles—which would greatly increase the range of those missiles.

“Performance-wise it certainly looks to compete with the Raptor,” one senior military official with extensive experience on U.S. fifth-generation fighters told the National Interest.

Like the F-22, the Russian machine is expected to be able to cruise supersonically for extended periods of time—probably faster than Mach 1.5. The aircraft’s maximum speed should be greater than Mach 2.0—assuming its low observables coatings can handle the stress.

However, unlike the American fifth-generation aircraft, the PAK-FA places less emphasis of stealth, and much more emphasis on maneuverability. While it could compete with the Raptor in terms of raw kinematic performance, the PAK-FA greatly exceeds the F-35. And that performance margin might increase…..MORE HERE

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