Russia Is Ready for Shooting War, Will Likely Win Looming Nuclear Showdown with U.S.


puti3(We told you!!!)With the deployment of US weapons and troops to Eastern Europe in a very provocative act, and with more disinformation and lies by NATO and US officials about a Russian invasion , this shows us that tensions are building and soon shall erupt in European war.

Russia knows this, therefore she is preparing for this coming conflict between powers. Both Russia and America will sally forth against each other in a head on conflict in Europe that will be totally devastating for that part of the world.

puti ….”After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again to attack the nations of the earth.

puti2Europe will become one of the worse war areas of all the world; more dreadful than Viet Nam and other places that you are planning on going into. Asia will look like child’s play when compared to what is going to happen in Europe. The prophets say,” Woe to the land that is shadowed with wings.” This means America whose sky is filled with planes.

Most all of the judgements and troubles which are pointed out in the Bible are pointed at America. Study them for yourself.”-Chp.49(tfoa)…Now they are saying so themselves!

Russia Is Ready for Shooting War, Will Likely Win Looming Nuclear Showdown with U.S. – Report


By Erik Pineda
Preparedness for a nuclear conflict could prove as the foremost tactical advantage of Russia over the United States, likely positioning Moscow to score a win in case a shooting World War III with Washington as nemesis erupts.

Noting the recent reports that Russia has gained the upper hand in nuclear weapons capability against the United States, Forbes contributor James Conca argued in his article that America’s most pressing concern is complacency.

Nuclear war is non-existent

In his report, Conca outlined the deteriorating state of America’s nuclear weapons that in October 2013 was highlighted by the departure of a U.S. general who was supposed to steer into top shape the country’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) command.

However, high-profile reports about lapses on ICBM handling in the past few years led to the firing last year of the same top-level official.

This was happening as Russia was hard at work to match or even exceed not only the U.S. nuclear arsenal but also its technology. And as admitted by the U.S. State Department, America is now the underdog should hostilities involving nuclear weapons between the two nations actually break out, dreadfully sparking World War III.

This is the present case, Conca wrote, because the U.S., the public and officials alike, are convinced that nuclear war is far too remote to happen and threat is simply non-existent.

“Not so in Russia. They’re ready,” the Forbes report declared. It appeared too that in the past 40 years, Moscow not only did not let its guards down but also double up its efforts of building up. This explains the new generation of long-range cruise missiles that are ready for mobile deployment by land or sea.

Pentagon is reduced to playing catch up

Fortunately, the U.S. government is admitting that the present situation is unacceptable with Defence chief Chuck Hagel conceding that “routine neglect of our nuclear weapons programs over the years has compromised our ability to respond to an actual threat.”

To correct the situation, Hagel recently announced that up to $8 billion will be added to the maintenance of America’s nuclear arsenal that should set off the country’s accelerated efforts to regain the nuclear leadership against Russia.

(Hagel will not be around to oversee the catch up attempt as he resigned November 24, which BBC said was confirmed by U.S. President Barack Obama.

No more cooperation

Meanwhile, Russia continues to put up a proud face and its aggressive ways as it flagged earlier this November plans to wind down nuclear security cooperation with the United States.

The move, according to The New York Times, is seen as Russia’s way of saying that it requires no outside assistance in securing the country’s nuclear assets and network.

Or as observers would say, it could be Moscow’s strong message to the West and the United States in particular that it cannot be pressured about Ukrainian borders, where Russian troops are said to be amassing by the thousands.

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