US police are killing Black Americans with impunity…So we must stand and defend ourselves!


fulWith more and more cases of police murdering black youth being caught on camera, and with more and more instances of them getting off scott free regardless to the evidence and call of the people for accountability, this puts America in a very awkward position.

The whole world sees her murdering. The whole worlds sees her underlying hatred and disregard for black life. And the whole world sees a plethora of hypocrisies in her justice system, police force, human rights, and so called respect for life.

ful2Where is the UN? We need a no fly-zone set up over the whole of thee nation. Where is the so-called Responsibility to protect? You know….that lie the Western nations always use to trumpet morality in the cause of their moves towards domination?

Why aren’t nations bombing America demanding the entire government from Capitol Hill down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, to resign and go into exile as they did to Saddam and brother Gaadafhi? Just hypocrisy as far as the eyes can see. This demands a change up of the entire global order starting right here in modern day Babylon, America!

They still desire to mistreat and to kill us all the day long. This is the way their government and nation was founded. The very foundation was laid on the blood, sacrifice, lives, and at the expense of Black and Red people.

US police kill African-Americans with impunity: Analyst


File photo shows people participating in a protest against the police killing Michael Brown in the US state of Missouri.

A prominent political commentator says US police officers are brutalizing and killing African-American people with greater impunity.

Bruce Dixon, from the Georgia Green Party in Atlanta, said during an interview with Press TV that Killing people, particularly African Americans, has essentially become a trend in the United States.

He also strongly criticized the excessive use of force by police to curb the ongoing protest rallies against such killings.

“Brutalizing innocent people, murdering innocent people and the culture of immunity and the impunity enjoyed by police all over the United States are not the problem, but the problem only arises when the citizens get up and object to this behavior,” Dixon said.

The remarks come as protesters took to the streets across the United States after a jury decided not to indict a police officer who shot dead unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson.

St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said on Monday night that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson would not face charges for killing 18-year-old Brown on August 9.

Commenting on tricks and riot control techniques, Dixon said the FBI has dispatched hundreds of agents to protest-hit areas in order to spy on peaceful protesters and open cases against them.

The fatal shootings of several black people has reopened a fierce national debate in the United States on race and police brutality in dealing with minorities.

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