Black America…Second to dogs in American society!


treateWhen a dog hunts for a hunter, the hunter (master) will sometimes share part of the game with the dog. The Black slave has helped his master to overcome and to put other peoples under the control of his white slave-master. The Black slave has fought, bled and died around the earth, to help the white slave-master to conquer those whom the master called his enemies. Yet what has he received in return ,except hell, death, poverty, scapegoated, demonized, brutalized, imprisoned, raped, beaten, and nearly destroyed?

ggtgThe ever occurring theme that is pervasive in American thought and society is the so-called negro falls under the concerns of a dog. In fact in their highest documents of the land you are only seen as 3/5th of a man. Not even 3/4 of a man, but 3/5ths of a man.

Isn’t that something with an armed forces full of your kind?

“As thou hast done so shall it be done unto thee.” Someone is about to take away your enjoyable independence. The white race here in America has done the worse to the Black people who helped the white man to build up the country of America and to make it suitable and to bring in this enjoyable independence.

But the white race in America has angered God due to the evil done to us after our four hundred years, here, under the white race. The white race still desires to mistreat and to kill us all the day long.

hunnj The white man hates his Black slave; while the Black slave should be hating the white man, for mistreating the Black slave. But the white man made the Black slave to love him so well that when the white man mistreats him, the Black slave will not dislike the white man for mistreating him.

Now the time of God has arrived – the time that Allah (God) must separate the Black slave and his white master, and bring freedom to the Black slave.”-Chp.17(tfoa)

This crap can’t go on infinitum. It must reach a head and burst. The puss with ooze with anger and outrage, war and rebellion!

Wilson used ‘reasonable fear’ to hide his ‘issues with people of color’: Analyst


An American political commentator who is also a trained paralegal says white police officer Darren Wilson, who was not indicted for killing an African American teenager in Ferguson, had “issues with people of color”, but he hid them under the legal loophole of “reasonable fear”.

Speaking with Press TV in a phone interview on Tuesday, Susanne Posel, chief editor at OccupyCorporatism and the US, said, “The legal definition of reasonable fear is what’s keeping us from indicting him.”

Posel’s comments come after St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said that Darren Wilson would not be indicted and that he would not even face charges for killing the 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson on August 9.

“It’s obvious that Darren Wilson overreacted, and someone who is overreacting should not be in charge of a semi-automatic weapon where they can do harm to other people, even in an official capacity like a police officer,” Posel said.

But the unfortunate part about the grand jury’s decision is “the legal definition of reasonable fear and that is something that I don’t think, and I’m assuming this that most of the protesters understand,” she continued.

“It’s a legal loophole where police officers are given basically carte blanche if they say that they have a reasonable fear that their life is in danger, the grand jury has to prove that they were not in a reasonable fear that their life was in danger,” Posel noted.

She explained that giving police officers a green light to shoot at people whenever they “feel” their life is in danger is a legal loophole under which officers might even hide their own personal issues with citizens.

She said that it would be very difficult to disprove in a court of law what a cop says he has felt. “First of all you can’t prove a negative, and second of all you can’t disprove someone’s feelings since the law allows the police officers to use excessive or deadly force when they feel that their life is in danger.”

“This is a problem,” she added. “Police officers should not be given carte blanche to just shoot at people because they think they might be in danger.”

Posel also pointed out Darren Wilson’s reputation of a rookie cop, who was fired for targeting African Americans along with three other officers. She said it showed that “the mindset of Wilson might not be that he fears his life is in danger but that he has issues with people of color” and he is using fear to hide “under this clause”.

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