(Video)’Situation in Ukraine is result of US struggle to dominate world’


huppThe whole world is waking up to American hypocrisy. They are starting to see her for what she is. She is the cause of the destabilized world.

It is her arrogant policies which lie at the core of war and division globally…”America, in trying to hold her place as the greatest power among the nations of earth, is one of the most troubled countries on earth today.

The world has never before seen the top rulers of the land leaving their offices to visit nations abroad. The purpose of these visits to foreign countries is to make peace with them after years of troubling them.

America brought all of her troubles upon herself. She alone is to be charged with being the cause of the troubled world and people today.

America loves meddling into other people’s affairs. She just cannot stay out of other people’s business, whether they be a two-cents worth soap-box teacher or presidents and kings of countries.”-pg.115(tfoa)

  ‘Situation in Ukraine is result of US struggle to dominate world’

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