Provocative…US launches war games near Chinese/Japanese disputed isles


dutThis is exactly why America must fall. This is exactly why she will soon be pushed out of the Near East, Africa, and the Far East. She is a trouble maker.

War is due. It must come. She cannot avoid it because of her arrogant unyielding policies….”Their history shows trouble-making, murder and death to all darker people from the far-off islands and mainlands of Asia as well as the South Seas and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. All have been touched by their destructive hand and evil way of civilization and finally the bringing of my people to make their destruction sure.”-pg.267(m.t.t.b.m.)

dut2We see how they use war games to ratchet up tensions between nations that would otherwise be at peace with each other. Every time these nations are left to themselves they come to an agreement. And not too long thereafter America chides in to cause tension and division. That’s how she has been able to rule!

Her fall must soon take place if peace is to ever come into being. This cannot go on indefinitely. In her dealing with others we know that… “America wants everyone to believe she is right in her wicked dealings with the people of earth. With her might of arms commanding the high seas and the land around the glove, she wishes everyone to think she is right in building up arms and forts in foreign countries and on their shores a bristling, deadly navy with guns trained on foreign peoples’ towns and cities, as a dare without any cause. This only shows her pride and daring aggressive acts against people who would like to be at peace.”-Chp.33(tfoa)

US-Japan joint exercise launched near Diaoyutai

Shinzo Abe meets Xi Jinping at the Yanqi International Convention Center in Beijing where the APEC meetings were held on Nov. 11. (Photo/CNS)

Just as Beijing and Tokyo were reaching a four-point principle agreement during the meeting between Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese president Xi Jinping at the APEC Leaders’ Summit, US and Japanese forces launched a joint exercise at the Amami archipelago between Kyushu and Okinawa called Keen Sword between Nov. 8 and Nov. 19, reports the China Youth Daily.

Akinori Eto, the Japanese defense minister made an arrangement with Vice Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr, the commander of the US Pacific Fleet to hold the exercise on Nov. 5 according to Tokyo-based Kyodo News. Harris said that the disputed Diaoyutai (Senkaku) islands are under the protection of the US-Japan Security Treaty. To demonstrate the US obligation to defend the Diaoyutai from a potential Chinese invation, Keen Sword was launched three days before China held the 10th Zhuhai Air Show in Guangdong province, which displays China’s military weapons systems and aircraft.

The China Youth Daily said that nearly 40,000 US and Japanese military personnel were mobilized to participate in the joint exercise. Despite a Japanese official claiming that Keen Sword was not held with any particular country in mind, the state-run Chinese newspaper said that the location of the exercise was close to Diaoyutai. The paper said that the Amami archipelago was formerly a part of Ryukyu Kingdom which is now Okinawa.


Xi Jinping 習近平

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