The Real America Stood Up In Ferguson!


ooopYou are  quickly awakening to see the man of sin for who is really is. You see it in Philadelphia. You see it in New York. You see in in Compton and LA.

You see his viciousness towards you in New Orleans. You see it in Mississippi & Alabama. It clear in Chicago and now in Ferguson Missouri.

ooop3The devil hates you. He doesn’t even recognize you as a human. He gives his dogs more rights and more protection than you under his system of laws.

ooop2..”The so-called American Negroes actually believe that they have the same right as American citizens to go any place in white America they please and be accepted or allowed to enter into white society on an equal basis with the white man.

If you understood that which you are seeking to be accepted into and if you understood the nature of those whom you are seeking to integrate with you would, instead, be seeking your own people’s society or building one of your own on some land or territory separate from the American whites.

ooop4We need land wherein we can build our own society free from the tension, hatred and violence that have accompanied our race relationship with the white race of America.

When you learn that the white man is not your brother, you will readily begin to see and accept the Divine Plan that Almighty Allah (God) has in the working for our people. Who has been our aggressors and murderers ever since we have been in America? Who, by nature, was made quick to shed blood — even his own?

ooop5And how much easier it is for them to shed our blood. They are heartless, merciless, when it comes to you and me we all know the true answer, whether you wish to bear witness with your tongues or with your hands, we know that the white man is our aggressor — the hater of good, justice and equality for you and me.

Do not expect your former slave-master’s children to give you the privileges to do as you desire in his own house.”-Chp.60(m.t.t.b.m.)

White supremacy institutionalized’ in US: Activist


US media and government sponsorship of the group Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is evidence of institutionalized white supremacy in the US, an activist tells Press TV.


The KKK “is sponsored by (US) state and federal government historically because the state and federal government will not disband them; so, that means that state and federal government wants this,” Jahi Issa, a professor and political activist, said in an interview with Press TV from Wilmington on Monday

The activist went on to say that the governor of Missouri is not dealing with the threats made by the KKK, which was recently allowed on prime time television to threaten to use violence against protesters in the state.

The KKK has threatened protesters in the US city of Ferguson with “lethal force” should the demonstrations there become violent.

Protests over the police killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown continue in cold temperatures across Ferguson and St Louis.

The governor of Missouri on Monday declared a state of emergency and put the National Guard on alert in anticipation of protests that could potentially turn violent.

The Ferguson grand jury has been holding secret sessions for nearly three months as it evaluates evidence about the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson. The jury’s ruling is due to be announced in mid-to-late November.


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