Just my few thoughts: Obama is AWOL on Ferguson


A picture says more than a thousand words. Just to let you Obama lovers know, This is happening right under your blind eyes and stopped ears. The American government, full of black soldiers i might add…an under the authority of a black so-called commander-in-chief, is not sending this convey of soldiers, weapons, and military armament to Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Ukraine, South Korea, Japan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Mali, or Afghanistan.

These soldiers, their weapons, their armaments, and their logistical equipment is destined for Ferguson. This means they know the verdict already and are preparing to kill you under the guise of keeping the peace.

And here is something to think about. Where is this negro…i’m talking about President Obama in all of this mess? Where is his leadership and resolve?

This shows you just how much he cares for you. This shows you just whom does he serve. This dude is a joke that went very wrong!

He was in Boston over the false flag bombing. He was in Sandy Hook. He cried as whites suffered death, yet this negro is AWOL about the injustice, brutality, and outright contempt for justice and black life in Ferguson!!!!!!

ScreenShot20141117at3.01.02PM(Photo courtesy of http://12160.info)


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