American/Russian nuclear face-off: Time ,under the decree of God, is forcing this to come about.


usnu3The powers of this world must fighting it out with their deadly weapons they own. They can’t hold back conflict and confrontation. Time ,under the decree of God, is forcing this to come about. This is their destiny.

usnu2Muhammad writes this concerning the coming war between East & West…”We are in a world that is falling. It will soon be going up in flames. In Berlin, Germany, the cold war between the East and West will soon erupt into a hot war. It will never be settled in peace. East and West Germany must and will fight it out with all the deadly weapons that the war-scientists have planned and perfected for the final showdown.”-pg.172(tfoa)

She is in panic. Desperation is setting in as her wealth and power wanes.

US nuclear upgrade may ‘provoke nuclear confrontation’ with Russia


The US government’s decision to invest billions of dollars to upgrade the country’s nuclear arsenal is a sign of “desperation” that may “provoke a nuclear confrontation” with Russia, a former CIA and NSA contractor says.


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Friday announced that the Pentagon will increase spending on the management of the US nuclear arsenal by about 10 percent a year for the next five years.

The US nuclear weapons forces already cost over $15 billion annually.

The multi-billion dollar overhaul was decided after government reviews uncovered serious flaws in the nuclear enterprise.

The review released by the Pentagon on Friday found a nuclear force “understaffed, under-resourced and reliant on an aging and fragile supporting infrastructure in an over-inspected and overly risk-averse environment.”

There’s a “possibility that this will provoke a nuclear confrontation” with Russia, Steven D. Kelley told Press TV on Saturday from California.

“We have to consider that with the speed with which they’re trying to force us into a confrontation that clearly this is a sign of desperation because there’s no way that this work could be done in time to be ready for the consequences that they seem to be pushing us into.”

Earlier this year, Hagel ordered two reviews of the nuclear arms program following a series of media reports which revealed lapses in leadership, morale, safety and security at America’s several nuclear air force bases.

Earlier this month, the US Air Force dismissed two senior commanders from its nuclear missile corps on the grounds of indiscipline and misconduct.


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