This is how a Narcissistic sociopath operates


usnuke According to arrogant America, she had to bomb Iraq and Libya over weapons and suspected WMD. She tried to bomb Syria over this trumped up mess. Crazy huh?

In her eyes North Korea must disarm. Iran can’t have a nuke or nuke technology. Yet she is the only nation on earth to drop nukes on other people, namely Japan(& now Afghanistan, Libya, & Iraq with low yield nukes and depleted uranium).

usnuke2She wants every other nation monitored. She wants every other nation to have a verifiable nuclear program or have none at all. While demanding others to disarm, she has a stockpile of the most destructive weapons while building more advanced, deadly, and compact warheads.

usnuke3This is how a Narcissistic sociopath operates. In their perception they have the clear military advantage & since might makes right(in their eyes), they are always right & just and everyone else is either a tyrant, psychopath, dictator, or mass murderer…and all of this she is never one regardless of the mass death and destruction she spreads.

With a deficit that could reach pluto & back in dollar bills, and with a national debt the size of the solar system, she continues to pour billions in weapons and armaments, while cutting aid to her own people!

US to increase nuclear weapons spending – Pentagon

United States Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has announced an overhaul of how the US nuclear weapon arsenal is maintained, calling for billions of dollars in investment to address recent security violations and low morale among nuclear-force management.

Hagel revealed on Friday the results of two reviews – one done by the Pentagon and another external probe – of US nuclear force maintenance protocol that, in recent years, has been beset by scandal. The reviews were ordered after reporting by AP showed security, safety, morale, and leadership lapses among the nuclear force.

“The root cause has been lack of sustained focus, attention and resources, resulting in a pervasive sense that a career in a nuclear enterprise offers too few opportunities for growth and advancement,” Hagel said Friday.

The reviews found that the leadership structure of US nuclear forces requires reform given officials have, in the recent past, been unaware of problematic behavior and focus from underlings. The reviews also pointed to “a nuclear workforce that was dedicated, capable, and performing well in spite of challenges resulting from being understaffed, under-resourced, and reliant on an aging and fragile supporting infrastructure in an over-inspected and overly risk-averse environment,” according to the Defense Department.

The Pentagon’s own analysis reported problems, from “inadequate” and “aging” equipment and facilities to “a culture of excessive inspections” to an ill-defined boundary between accountability and perfection in the Air Force.

One example of inadequate US nuclear-maintenance capabilities found in the reviews: There was, until recently, just one tool set available to tighten bolts on the warhead end of a Minuteman 3 missile – and land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) – at all three US ICBM bases in North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. That one set would be shared via Federal Express delivery, defense officials told AP.

Hagel also announced that billions of dollars are needed in the next five years to boost infrastructure among the nuclear forces. For instance, he has proposed to replace the aging UH-1 Huey helicopter fleet, integral in security at ICBM bases.

The overall increased investment for nuclear forces Hagel proposed will cost about $10 billion, according to defense officials…..more here

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