(Vid Inc.)You say “go back to Africa,” but who has more legal rights to the land?


kkkiFirst, evidently this devil is either ignorant of what really took place, or he is doing what nature bids him to do…lie, deceive, and blame others for his evil. This has been their M.O. for the last 6,000 years. It’s never their fault. Their actions were and are always benevolent!

This foolishness is condemned today in the light of truth as we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sir John Hawkins lied and deceived the people whom he would enslave by offering the more gold for their labor, then once they were aboard his ships, his came out with the steel(guns) to force them into subjection.

kkki2This truth is constantly being kicked to the curb even though it is clear. This man says, go back to Africa. Well we say that if anyone has a right to America, it is us and our red Indian brothers. We have given nearly five centuries of unpaid work, lives, untold sacrifice, innovation, and thought, and have receive nothing from you and your kind but contempt, hatred, murder, exploitation, robbery, and demonization.

You have no legal claims on America or any other land. How did you come into possession of any land? You lied. You deceived. Then you waged war killing off the original inhabitants through the crudest means to become occupiers of lands around the globe.

kki3Nowhere on earth, and this includes Europe, are you indigenous. Wherever you have gone ,you have always found some people of color there.

This means that in reality you are the foreigner. You are the occupier. You are the one who should pack up your bag and go back to the island of Patmos(Pelan) in the Aegean Sea where you were first produced through birth control.

You see, “We have done nothing to them. They are against us just because of the idea that we are Muslims and Black people.

kki4The white man has had his way of ruling the Black people for so long that he thinks that he still has the power to do so while in reality the white man has come to the end of his time of power to rule the Black people.

Regardless to Allah’s (God’s) Retaliation to the white man for his evil acts done to the Black man, the white man still keeps inviting the retaliation of Allah (God). The white man must remember that he cannot win today over Allah (God) and His Servant, for He has power over the fraction of an atom.

kkki5The judgment of America. Judgment has come to you America. Woe to you who seek to fight against Allah (God) and against His aim and purpose. Woe to you America. Allah (God) has made you blind to His judgment and therefore you are committing suicide. He has made you blind on purpose…to give you the full dose of His wrath, for when a man does not know the danger of fire, then he can fall headlong into it.

America has mistreated the Black man for four hundred years and she does not think that there is ever a God Who will accept her Black slave and return on her head the injustice done to her Black slave.”–Chp.34(tfoa)

Virginia man in Confederate flag flap stands by ‘Go back to Africa!’ outburst


Virginia man who shouted at black civil rights activists to “Go back to Africa!” in a dispute over slavery and the Confederate flag is standing by his statement.

According to WSET-TV Channel 13, Ed Clark of Pittsylvania, Virginia is a Second Lieutenant Commander of the Pittsylvania County Sons of Confederate Veterans and he believes that if activists are offended by emblems of slavery, then they should blame their own ancestors, who “sold you into slavery. Yes they did.”

The two sides are at odds over a decision by the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History to display the controversial flag outside the museum as part of a monument to the Civil War dead. Rights groups pointed out that for nonwhites in the south, the flag has violent, racist connotations.
Rev. Avon Keen, president of the Danville/Pittsylvania County chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and other civil rights leaders held a press conference to explain why they’d like to see the flag portion of the monument relocated. Flying the flag, they said, harms the area’s reputation and economic prospects.

“The African- American community has patiently stood by this flag flying here, and now it’s time for it to come down,” said Keen on Monday.

The press conference was disrupted by a man now identified as Clark, who said, “Then you need to go back to Africa!”

Channel 13 spoke to Clark, who says that Africans who captured and sold other Africans were the real villains of the U.S. slave trade. The European whites who bought and sold the human plunder were just doing business.

“I’m not a racist,” he insisted. “I’m a realist.”

Regarding his remarks at the press conference, Clark said, “I told him, I said, if you’re so concerned you need to go back to Africa to go over there and see how slavery is being practiced today. I ain’t apologizing.”

The American South, he said, was not the sole bastion of slavery in the world. He went on to say that he doesn’t care if anyone was offended by his statements earlier in the week.

Keen told Channel 13 that Clark’s attitude isn’t particularly unusual for people of his ideological bent.

“I’m not surprised at those types of statements being made,” said Rev. Keen. “As I said earlier because of the way the ideology of anyone that is supportive of the Confederacy it’s just as offensive as the flag.”

According to world historians like Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, attempts by conservative ideologues to blame slavery on Africans are factually incorrect and motivated only by an urge to offset blame for one of the great atrocities committed by Europeans against Africans and other native peoples during the colonial era.

“There are some fundamental facts,” Asante wrote. “First, no African kingdom used slavery as its principal mode of production. Africa has produced no economies based on slavery. It was left to Europe to create a system of slavery where humans were chattel to be used as tools in the development of wealth.”

“Secondly,” he said, “in all massive enterprises where there are oppressors and the oppressed there will be collaborators.”
But, when you examine the historical record and see who actually profited from the slave trade and to whom the benefits of its money and labor really flowed, “what one cannot accept is that Africans were equally culpable for the slave trade.”

Watch video about this story, embedded below:

WSET.com – ABC13

Source: Rawstory

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