There is no future for you in America….Where have all the jobs gone?


empLet’s get this right. More and more companies and stores will fire and lay-off hundreds and even thousands of people. They can no longer carry the burden of producing for the people.

The empire is imploding. The nation is in a state of disrepair. You are being forced to go for self and Allah destroys the devil’s ability to provide jobs for you.

emp2There is no future for you in America. She does not have one for herself ,muchless you, the ex-slaves. The burden has become too heavy and burdensome for them to carry. They are dropping you daily!

You have been warned and the warning is clearer today than at any other time before….”You do not like doing right. You do not like doing something for self. You glorify begging the white man to do for you that which you can do for yourself. I warn you that the day is not far distant when you will be forced to do something for yourself because the white man is bound to drop you. And that he knows, but he is not telling you. He is allowing you the chance to make a fool of yourself and be caught at that time like a grasshopper who enjoyed summer weather. But cold weather kills the grasshopper. It freezes him to death because he has no house to lodge in.”–p.137(o.s.h.a.)

US wireless carrier will cut 2,000 more jobs


American wireless carrier Sprint has announced that it will cut about 2,000 more jobs after losing $765 million in the second quarter of this year.

Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure said on Monday that the new cuts are regrettable, but they are necessary for the company to compete in the marketplace.

The company has so far cut more than 900 positions this year.

It also said that it took a loss of $765 million (19 cents per share) in its fiscal second quarter on $8.49 billion in revenue.

The operator also lost a large number of its rich clients during a war over prices in the wireless sector.

The company blames its huge customer decline on competitive pressures, networking upgrades and a shifting industry landscape.

The job cuts are aimed at contributing $1.5 billion to cost reductions.

Other initiatives will include new pricing plans, continued emphasis on building out its networks and plans to grow its management team.

“I was aware of the challenges facing the business, but not to the level of detail that I saw when I became the CEO,” Claure said.

“When I came in August, Sprint was in the worst place it had been in many years, so that forced me to take probably quicker action than I would have like to,” he added.

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