There is a great naval build-up in The Near East opposite American/NATO forces


vgv3One thing to think about. War is building in the Near East. The momentum cannot be stop. The passion for it cannot subside.

Why? It is because time is bringing it about after prophecy called it into being! This is the significant of what is occurring.

vgv2China has deployed warships in the Gulf Aden. Russia has deployed a task force not only to the Mediterranean Sea, but also to the Persian Gulf to keep tabs on America’s naval build-up in these areas.  What is this about?

It’s about the time that she gets pushed out of the Near East completely by forces strong enough to not only oppose her in this area of the world, but also to keep her locked out of it after pushing her out.

vgvNow to our knowledge there is yet another naval deployment in this area of the world that is not American, British, nor NATO. It only brings to mind these great prophetic words….”America and England deposited their little brother, Israel, on foreign soil, Palestine, which is Arab land. They deprived the Arabs of their own land and sent them into exile. This injustice against the Arabs is now costing America the power and authority that she once exercised in the East. She is on her way out of the Near East. This means bloodshed and plenty of it.

In the Near East, there stand navies which are neither American nor British…they are there to drive America out.”–pgs.171 & 172(tfoa)

Iran Navy’s 32nd fleet sets off for Gulf of Aden

Iranian destroyer Jamaran (file photo)

The 32nd fleet of the Iranian Navy has left the country’s southern port of Bandar Abbas for the Gulf of Aden to provide security for shipping lines in the region.

The fleet of warships, which includes the Jamaran destroyer and Bushehr logistic vessel, left Bandar Abbas on Tuesday.

The flotilla will sail through the strategic Strait of Hormuz, Bandar Jask, the Sea of Oman, Makran region, north of the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden and the strait of Bab al-Mandab.

It has been dispatched to the Gulf of Aden to protect the Islamic Republic’s interests in remote waters.

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has increased its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for merchant vessels and tankers.

In line with international efforts against piracy, the Iranian Navy has been also conducting patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 in order to safeguard merchant containers and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran or other countries.

Iran’s Navy has managed to foil several attacks on both Iranian and foreign tankers during its missions in international waters.

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