(Vid Inc.)The empire’s lust for domination cannot be contained – US empire trying to capture Ukraine


uskraWar is coming. The empire’s lust for domination cannot be contained. The only way of containment is for her to be exposed, disgrace, badly beaten and weakened, then destroyed. She is now well only her way for this to take place.

uskra2The coming war is just over the horizon and none can stop it. Both nations, America and Russia, are pushing head-on into a face to face collision. It is inevitable!

   US empire trying to capture Ukraine


That cold war that dominated Europe for decades never ended. It only become subtile. It was and has been a covert return  to geopolitics until now.

Things are bursting asunder. The seams are exploding and the pants of diplomacy can’t be held together, because war is near. This is prophecy. It must and is coming about!

This is exactly why Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated that…”There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be reckoned with. Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia. It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be thrown out.

Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking to maintain their rule over the nations of earth, and even to conquer outer-space. This will not last long.”–pg.231(tfoa)

Why….The question that should be asked is…why? It is because the coming military conflagration between these two power poles is now imminent.

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