Putin Tackles U.S. Treachery in Global Affairs


    Putin Tackles U.S. Treachery in Global Affairs


Taking down President al-Assad bound to end in more bloodshed, more chaos, less freedom for all.

By Richard Walker —

By training rebel fighters, which Turkey and Jordan are sending into Syria to topple the Syrian government, President Barack Hussein Obama has so far refused to live up to the promise he made to Russia’s nationalist President Vladimir Putin that the United States would target only the militant Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

A senior East European intelligence source told AMERICAN FREE PRESS he expects Putin to respond to Obama’s “treachery.”

The absurdity of Obama’s policy has Russia asking who is pulling Obama’s strings. For example, the Islamists being trained by Turkish, Jordanian and U.S. Special Forces are being sent into Syria to do exactly what ISIS is trying to do—remove Russia’s ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, from power.

What is even more bizarre is that members of Congress like Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who have promoted this strategy, have yet to learn that training radicals is a dangerous business. History has shown that these rebel fighters often turn on their masters. Once they are embedded in Syria, it is expected that they will more than likely join forces with ISIS and use their training to go to war against America.

That has been the pattern of events since 2010 when Washington and its Mideast allies, especially the Saudis, began to arm what they called the “moderate” Syrian opposition. As the world now knows, there were no moderates in the opposition, just groups like the al Nusra Front, al Qaeda and others, some of which have morphed into what we now know as ISIS. Obama and his favorite Mideast dictators, as well as Turkey, created ISIS.

Four years ago, Russia warned the West it was inviting disaster by arming militias to fight in Syria but Obama and North Atlantic Treaty Organization members like France and Britain were not willing to listen. They encouraged rich Arab states like Qatar, that had been prominent in forcing regime change in Libya, to funnel resources to militias in Syria.

Qatar bought arms from Libyan militias after the overthrow and assassination of Colonel Muammar Qadaffi and sent them to Syria. The U.S. even helped facilitate these weapons transfers.

Watching all of this, Putin advised Obama that taking down the Syrian regime would increase the power of militant Islam throughout the region. Obama ignored the advice until 2014 when it became clear that ISIS was a bigger threat than the Syrian regime. He then made a deal with Putin to bomb ISIS in Syria but not the Syrian government’s forces. AFP first reported on this in the October 6 issue.

Turkey was unhappy with the Putin deal. For years, the Turks have been at the forefront of sending men and arms into Syria and have plotted with the Saudis to replace Assad’s secular government with a Sunni regime.

It now appears the Turks, Saudis, Jordanians and Israel’s toadies on Capitol Hill have won the day and Obama has opted for a dual policy that breaks the agreement with Moscow and allows the Arab states to continue to help ISIS take down Assad by adding newly trained Islamists to the fight…..more here

– See more at: http://americanfreepress.net/?p=20426#sthash.KvQZWRT5.dpuf

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