(Video Inc.)US planning a major war with nuclear Russia


rdfe(Note: As more facts come out on America’s planned war of goal global hegemony against Russia and others, we must remember that these things are being brought about by divine decree. They must take place now because the prophets predicted they would.

Now time and circumstances are bringing them out. There is no other way around it. As Messenger Muhammad stated….”The destruction and fall of the world that we have known is now without a doubt, in process. When we refer to the world, we are referring to the world of the white man, for the world of the Black man has yet to come in.“–pg.170(tfoa)

eddeIt is going to hell at lightning speed. Everything that they have is fighting for survival. Time is now demanding they clash.

…”It is no secret. It is obvious to the eyes that are open. If we want to close our eyes and minds and claim that we do not see and understand, then we will be falling ourselves.

This refusal to see is fool-hardy for regardless to how we may desire to see the old world stand, we do not have the power to stave off the destruction that causes the world of the white man to fall.

edde2 The destruction and power that is bringing about the fall of the world of the white man is coming from Allah (God). In the past history of the world of the white man, there never was a time of destruction of his world like the present time.

It is useless for you to try to prevent the fall of the white man’s world. There is no checking it.”–pg.170(tfoa)

US planning a major war with nuclear Russia

http://youtu.be/IEKiPFqshcQ?list=PLNB-69ClKQNXz8yvC3xoud4Gz-Wn19v-z Click here for reuse options!
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