(Video Inc.)The nations are so corrupt that they cannot come to any agreement on peace with each other, then carry it into practice


gerrThe great dreadful days of the Lord have now come. The white man in the know is not blind and ignorant. He sees the end of anglo power and unity.

Regardless to Allah’s (God’s) Retaliation to them, they keep inviting divine retribution. They have been thrown into derision….”The heads of the governments of the Christian world are confused, and they do not know that they are confused. Why? Because their greatest desire was to confuse us. Now Allah (God) has taken the confusion out of us and put it into them.”–Chp.35(tfoa)

gerr2This world of anglo culture has gone mad and they think that every cry is against them. They are like robbers who have robbed and are afraid that they will be recognized by their victims. Thieves know that light makes them manifest.

gerr3They are mad and cannot see, nor hear the truth….”There is no doubt in anyone’s mind today that the condition of the nations is such that needs a ruler who is not involved in the present world of corruption to bring about peace and good will among the people of the earth. There cannot be peace for their lovers who seek after peace until the peace breakers have been removed from authority and their activities of mischief making, causing bloodshed, grief, sorrow and trouble among peace-loving nations.

There is not a civilized government of people at this writing that is not in trouble and trying to find a solution to the cause.

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All the nations of the earth are so corrupt with other than good that they cannot come to any agreement on peace with each other, then carry it into practice. The disagreement and corruption today is seen not only in the Christian world of Europe and America but also in the very heart of the Holy Land in Africa and Asia.

Corruption started in Europe, and it has now spread over nine-tenths of the population of the Planet Earth. It has caused the dissatisfaction of nearly 100 per cent of the civilized nations.

Dissatisfaction has reached such a percentage that it is bound to bring about universal war, since the corruption is universal. The continuing disagreement between the heads of the nations is referred to as CONFUSED and CONFLICT in the Bible and Holy Qur-an.”–pg.265(m.t.t.b.m.)


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