(Video Inc.)The War-Maker Revealed: US military footprint covers 75% of countries on Earth


ba1America is proving that she is the number 1 purveyor of violence and war. She is involved in over 130 conflicts globally. She has troops occupying 150 nations. Tell me, is this not the sign of the war maker and peace breaker?

…”America and her people have been here, according to history, since a few years after Columbus, the explorer. She conquered the aboriginal red Indians, the original owners of the land, whom she found here and took it for a home for herself and kind. She has continued conquering until her conquering power has gone around the earth affecting every civilized nation; submission to her will. She was successful in forcing other people to bow to her will — whether they liked it or not.

2abNow it is the hand of God which is after America to force her into submission — a hand from which we have no defense as it is written and prophesied in the Bible, under the name of Babylon.”–Chp.47(tfoa)

   Revealed: US military footprint covers 75% of countries on Earth

“We have past histories that teach us of the fall and rise of many nations. However, in this day — after this destruction of the nations, there will be no rise of these destroyed nations because Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praises are due forever, will destroy those who cause evil to spread far and wide. He will destroy those who love to make war on others, as it is written, Ps. 68:30.

During the whole time of the mischief-maker (devil) — six thousand years on our planet — there has been one war right after another. There has never been any peace among them. You cannot live with them in peace. Peace was never in the nature of the white race.

The white race was made to destroy the peace from the earth and they have just about destroyed the peace from the earth. The Bible, Isaiah, as it is written, “The people know not the way of peace.”

Why should peace-lovers want a world to live in where there is no peace? If peace can be established, the nations want peace, but they cannot have peace until the power of the peace-breaker has been broken.”–Chp.29(tfoa)

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