While crying for peace & stability, she is destabilizing the entire world



int3Yes, this is from the nation that is always talking about respect of law…human rights….sovereignty of nation..& noninterference….”Never since the creation of Adam and Eve have there been such chaotic times as we are witnessing today – with the worst yet to come! There is no peace among the nations of the earth.”–Chp.13(tfoa)

The great deceivers of the world will reap what they have sown. Have they not corrupted many people and nations under the guise of good, peaceful, loving Christians? This is how America conducts her policies globally.

int2 I ask you in truth….”Where is a good Christian among this race?

They love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!” with every deadly weapon of war to provoke other nations to war.”–pg.169(tfoa)

  CIA already present inside Syria: Analyst


A political commentator says the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has already deployed a large number of forces, trainers and mercenaries to Syria.

Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley said at a Press TV debate that the US mercenaries have been working closely with the terrorist groups fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.


“We do have boots on the ground but they are wearing black masks and black uniforms, so they look just like ISIL fighters,” Kelley said.

The remarks come as military experts say the United States and its allies are trying to find an excuse for the deployment of massive ground forces to the militancy-plagued Iraq and Syria.

Kelley also noted that the US has shipped billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia in recent years with the knowledge that the ammunition would end up in the hands of ISIL.

The commentator further stressed that the money from the sales of weapons has gone to CIA “black budgets” instead of going to the US Treasury.

The US and Turkey as well as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some other monarchies of the Persian Gulf region have been supporting ISIL and other terrorist groups over the past years.

Kelley also criticized the ISIL’s use of some kind of chemical agent against the Kurdish fighters near the besieged Syrian border town of Kobani. Recent photos of Kurdish fighters killed in battles with ISIL Takfiri militants in Kobani suggest that the terrorists have used chemical weapons against the Kurds.

The northern Syrian city of Kobani, which lies near the Turkish border, continues to be under attack by the ISIL terrorists despite more than three weeks of airstrikes by the US-led coalition on the militants’ positions.

Kelley also noted that Israel and Turkey are the business partners of the Takfiri ISIL terrorists as they are involved with the militants in their oil theft from Iraq and Syria.

Commenting on the US-led coalition against ISIL, Jonathan Fryer, a writer and broadcaster, another participant at the Press TV debate said that Britain has undertaken significant efforts to fight the militancy by bombarding militant-held oil factories and training the Kurdish fighters. However, he stressed that the Turkish government’s role in fighting the ISIL terrorist group was very “ambiguous.”

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