Close to war…The world nears the explosion point!


Fig-3It is quite evident now. Nations are starting to pick sides. What do you think this means? Is war coming?

natoWe know that America is pushing a ABM shield around both China and Russia , with the help of her NATO allies, in an effort to nullify any second strike option or capability by these two nations they perceive as a threat. By doing so they are telegraphing their military plans for a massive nuclear first strike, taking it from theory into reality.

nato2Russia and China are not just sitting idly by. No sir. They are arming themselves to the teeth and have forged a new political, economic, and military pact. What does this mean? It means that these two nations along with their allies are looking squarely at America with eyes of war.

We must understand the time and the words of God as we were taught that….”Jer. 51:53 says: “Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her saith the Lord.

nato3America is under a destruction similar to that of ancient Babylon. In the Bible, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Revelation of John prophesied concerning her. Babylon, there-mentioned is a future Babylon, and not a Babylon of the past.

America has enslaved all of the so-called Negroes and her evil mistreatment of them is similar to ancient Babylon’s enslavement and mistreatment of the Jews, according to the scriptures. It took the hand of God to bring the king of Babylon and his people into submission to the power of God.

He brought the surrounding kings and their power against ancient Babylon in the prime; the height of her glory — the hand writing on the wall…”–Chp.47(tfoa)

Russia may seek China’s help on missile early warning system

A model of China’s Beidou Navigation System. (Photo/Xinhua)

After Russian defense minister Sergey Shoygu announced that the nation will focus on the development of an early warning system for ballistic missiles, Vassily Kashin, a senior researcher from the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies told the Voice of Russia that China should be considered a potential partner for the development of the system.

Kashin said a missile early warning system would be a good choice of project for Russia and China to work on together. Since this new early warning system is not only designed to monitor intercontinental ballistic missiles, but also tactical missiles, it can no longer rely on the obsolete Oko satellites. Russia may request help from China to design new satellites, with the United States in mind as a potential enemy combatant.

With the experience of developing the Beidou Navigation System, China has the ability to build a satellite system suitable for Russia’s early warning system; it is still unknown however how many satellites Russia will need to complete the early warning system. The older system requires at most seven geosynchronous satellites and four with highly elliptical orbits. Kashin said that the cost for this new system will be very expensive.

China can benefit from this collaboration however, as the country faces a threat from the United States as well as medium-range ballistic missiles from its neighboring states. By entering into collaboration with Russia, China can also gain new military technology it needs against the medium-range ballistic missiles through the deal, according to Kashin. China may even build more advanced anti-satellite weapons with the cooperation from Russia in the future.

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