In a show of strength and solidarity with Syria & Iran, Russia’s navy warships berth in northern Iran


(Note: This just so happens to come on the heels of China deploying warships to the Gulf of Aden(alledgely to fight pirates). This also follows Russia’s deployment of forces to the Arctic, The Mediterranean Sea, and forces to Crimea, Russia’s Southern military district(Which borders NATO nations). And a deployment of strategic forces to the Kuril Islands and war gaming near US borders.

This signals a significant build up of armed forces. This is a show of support after Iran warned Turkey not to intervene in Syria, because Turkey has gotten American approval. This is a warning to these nations that war is indeed on its’ way!)

Russia’s navy warships berth in northern Iran

A group of Russia’s fleet of warships berths at the Iranian port city of Bandar Anzali on October 13, 2014.

A detachment of Russian fleet of warships has berthed at the Caspian port city of Bandar Anzali in northern Iran.

The flotilla, which docked in Bandar Anzali on Monday, carries the message of peace and friendship in the Caspian Sea and was welcomed by Iranian naval officials.

This is the second time that a Russian fleet of warships has traveled to Iran, Russian Ambassador to Tehran Levan Dzhagaryan said on Monday.

He also stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

A group of Russian Navy warships, comprised of Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine destroyer and the logistic battleships Peresvet and Admiral Nevelskoy with a crew of 712, docked at the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas on April 21, 2013, after a long journey from the Pacific Ocean.

Meanwhile, the Russian consul general in Iran’s northern city of Rasht, Maxim Baranov, said on Monday that the visit by the fleet aims to boost relations in various economic, political and military fields.

Russia believes that all issues pertaining to the Caspian Sea should be settled by its five littoral states and without the interference of other countries.

The Russian flotilla is scheduled to leave Iran for Azerbaijan on Wednesday.

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