China’s growing space power has US worried


(Note: With all of the hundreds of military satellites that America has in space, she is worried about China’s rise in space technology that may hamper her domination. This is because her actions are criminal and she knows that a war between these two nations is inevitable.)

Yaogan-21, Tiantuo-2 satellites may have military application: Jane’s Defence

The Long March-4B rocket carrying the Yaogan-21 remote sensing satellite and the Tiantuo-2 experimental satellite launches from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre on Sept. 8. (Photo/Xinhua)

The Yaogan-21 remote sensing satellite and the Tiantuo-2 experimental satellite that China launched from its satellite launch centre located in Taiyuan in northern China on Sep. 8 may have military applications, according to Andrew Tate in his article written for the UK’s Jane’s Defence Weekly.

While Chinese state-run media such as Xinhua News Agency reported that the remote sensing satellites will be used for scientific experiments, natural resource surveys, estimation of crop yields, and disaster relief, many experts believe that the Yaogan constellation will be used for ocean surveillance. China launched the Yaogan-20 satellite two months ago from its Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. Sources from China indicated that the payload comprises three satellite systems.

The experts said that a total of three satellites will be launched into space as an ocean surveillance system. They also believe that a range of sensors, encompassing electro-optical imaging, electronic intelligence interception, and synthetic aperture radars, are carried by Yaogan satellites. The Yaogan-1, the first satellite of the series was launched back on April of 2006. It is believed to be China’s first satellite equipped with a space-based synthetic aperture radar.

The Yaogan-9 launched on March of 2010 was the first deployment of a triple satellite formation. It was followed by the Yaogan-16 in 2011. After the launch of the Yaogan-17 in 2013, the Yaogan-20 was put into orbit this summer. As Tate said in the article, the Yaogan-20 was designed to replace the Yaogan-9 which is believed to be tasked with detecting the radar system of ships and determining emitter locations through triangulation. Equipped with four video cameras, the Tiantuo-2 is capable of monitoring moving objects.

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