War in the Middle East is coming…Russian Navy sends sub killer on Mediterranean mass-destruction weapons drill


(Note: There’s a great military build up off of the shores of Syria. There are more and more US/Turkish/NATO military provocations against the elected legitimate government of President Bashir Al-Assad. Russia has too many interests at stake to trust it to chance.

The build up is unmistakable. The feeling of a coming confrontation is unshakable. And the time for these things to take place unbreakable. It could happen at any moment.

 So remember that…..” In the Near East, there stand navies which are neither American nor British…they are there to drive America out. “–pg.172(tfoa) )

Navy sends sub killer on Mediterranean mass-destruction weapons drill

Northern Fleet submarine chaser-destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov has left Limassol port in Cyprus for a series of naval drills in air- and anti-submarine defense, spokesman Vadim Serga says

Northern Fleet submarine chaser-destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov is bound for simulated action against attack by weapons of mass destruction in the eastern Mediterranean.
The vessel has left Limassol port in Cyprus for a series of naval drills in air- and anti-submarine defense, fleet spokesman Vadim Serga said.
The ship voyaged more than 14,000 nautical miles from April. From May to August, Kulakov was flagship of the Russian Mediterranean Task Force.

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