(Video Inc.)EU on edge — Proxy wars are almost ready to burst forth into straight up military to military conflagration


us This American devil will stop at nothing trying to maintain its’ rule over the people. This brings daily to the verge of all out war. Proxy wars are almost ready to burst forth into straight up military to military conflagration ,especially between the so-called two super powers of the white world.

The thunder of war is reverberating across the world from America to Europe. This is a very critical time in the history of man….” This is the time. There never will be any peace among the nations of earth until the so-called Negroes have heard the truth and those who accept it are separated and placed in the paradise of their God, Allah.”–pg.21(o.s.h.a.)

“US leading Ukrainian war against pro-Russians”

http://youtu.be/bM6YqM6H3Yw?list=PLNB-69ClKQNVWKZ98K8rxn0COgUN9p07l Click here for reuse options!
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