The entire world is set up for war…US rabbi urges genocide of Muslims worldwide


jewThe entire world is set up for war. Daily we see how more intense rhetoric is being spewed out by the governments and religious leaders alike. This stems from the fact that their world is in decline and their power is being broken completely.

….”The rapid spread of evil over the people is a manifestation of what is in the world that is called Christianity. The Great spread of both evil and filth is staggering in the Eyes of Allah (God) and the righteous.

jew2The Holy Qur’an teaches us to “fear a day where evil is spreading far and wide.”–Chp.40(o.s.h.a.)

The devil (white man) will deceive many of you (Bible Rev. 12:9) with his soft buttered words and his love songs and with his promises to you that he never intends to fulfill (Holy Qur’an 4:120). It is written of him that he will deceive you in this way.

jew3Now he seeks the murder of the muslim world. They want war on Islam through deceit, treachery, fear, false flags, and tricknology.


US rabbi urges genocide of Muslims worldwide

They are mad at the fact that …”The time of the camp of Islam has arrived. Islam desires to take over. She will take over. Islam will rule the people under and in a government of Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Equality.

This is angering the old world of rebelling and warring against each other…Judaism and Christianity.

The two camps are angry with each other, but the anger of Islam is slow to come to its boiling point, as is cool water. In order to bring cool water to its boiling point, it is necessary to subject it to a heat of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. But spirits, chemicals, are easy to bring to a boil. They will boil at point approximately 170 degrees Fahrenheit.

These two boiling points of water and spirits can easily be classified as the very nature of Islam and Christianity. These two worlds are now boiling over with dissatisfaction and anger against each other.

Christianity now seeks peace but she is guilty of making trouble and of starting the woes that the people now suffer. She seeks peace and seems not to be able to find it. She runs to and fro, to nations, capitols of nations, leaders and rulers, seeking peace, but finds none, it is clear, as it is written, Bible, Eze. 7:25.”–Chp.41(o.s.h.a.)

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