(Video Inc.)She is trying her best to stave off sudden collapse of the empire — US seeks permanent military footprint in Mideast


mepShe is trying her best to stave off suddenly collapse of the empire. With her build up of might of arms and her constant provocations, she is trying to bully the world into submission to her will. I want to tell her though, it will not succeed.

Her time has expired as a great power. This is the end of her rule. Her aims will not bare any fruit, because Adam’s 6 days have come to an abrupt end.

mep2Don’t be surprise by her moves. She is only doing what nature and prophecy bids her to do. We knew that she would make these moves before she ever was a nation.

mep3You see,”The present world (white people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. Nevertheless they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth. They boast that they can destroy the present total population of our earth 30 times over…again and again.

We know that they will not be able to destroy it one time. But they are preparing to do so should they be given the chance.”–Chp.21(o.s.h.a.)

US seeks permanent military footprint in Mideast

http://youtu.be/2ry-FnvmheY?list=PLNB-69ClKQNXz8yvC3xoud4Gz-Wn19v-z Click here for reuse options!
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