US seeking to Balkanize Middle East: International lawyer


US seeking to Balkanize Middle East: International lawyer


The US government is pursuing the “destabilization” and a “perpetual conflict” in the Middle East in order to “Balkanize” the countries of the region, an international lawyer in Indonesia says.

“The US is pursuing a long term strategy of destabilizing the region by promoting conflict and, like Israel, would be more than happy to see Iraq and Syria Balkanized,” said Barry Grossman in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday.


“What was once probably at most a US contingency plan has apparently become a live, high priority operation, though the executive branch is not necessarily a part of the related decision making process,” he added.

“There clearly are elements within both the security and the political apparatus who see destabilization, perpetual conflict and, ultimately, a Balkanization of Iraq and Syria, as being very desirable to the interests they represent,” he noted.

This approach “certainly suits what are generally recognized as America’s primary foreign policy aims in the region; that is, keeping oil and gas flowing to the market, preventing the proliferation of armaments and containing any group or state which resists the US dominated international system,” Grossman said.

“Rogue elements, often with dual loyalties, routinely manipulate both public opinion and political opposition by spinning or straight out fabricating facts, which in turn are used to create the impression of a new national security crises, always originating in the Middle East, which requires the usual US military intervention, and of course, a continuing military footprint,” he argued.

“In reality, those problems which do exist, as often as not, one way or another, are largely of US making and would be best resolved by regional powers with a direct stake in the matter,” Grossman contended.

“US foreign policy has become so absurd, that they no longer even pretend to be providing permanent solutions to short term problems,” the international lawyer asserted.

“Instead, they spin short term problems, which are for the most part manageable, so that the public and the public consciousness they become long term problems of the utmost urgency and then the US proposes a response which rather than being a solution, is in fact itself a much more serious problem for the region than the one supposedly being addressed. As for the various insurgency franchises operating in the region, the US seems to have great difficulty deciding whether they want to fight them or dance with them,” Grossman stated.

“The American approach to foreign policy is like a man suffering from cancer trying to treat his [own] condition by using an axe to remove a small tumor from his neighbor’s chest,” he concluded.

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