Syrian deputy FM warns Turkey that any military operation inside Syria will be deemed an act of war!


turk(Note: This warning comes on the back of the recent approval by the Turkish parliament giving Erdogan the Presidential authority to bomb & send troops into Iraq and Syria. This has all the makings of a regional conflagration drawing in regional and global powers, because too many interests are at stake!))

Any Turkey military action aggression: Syrian deputy FM


Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad has warned against any military action against the crisis-hit Arab country by neighboring Turkey.

The Syrian diplomat said late on Thursday that any military action by Turkey inside Syria’s territory will be considered as an act of aggression. His comments came after the Turkish parliament approved a motion allowing the government to launch attacks inside Syria and Iraq.

Turkey’s 550-seat parliament voted 298-98 in favor of the motion that would provide the legal grounds for Ankara to deploy forces to Iraq and Syria. The motion will last for one year.

Miqdad also called on the United Nations Security Council to hold an emergency session to condemn Turkey’s decision.

The Syrian official further accused Turkey and Saudi Arabia of sending militants to Syria.

Political analysts believe that the controversial decision by the lawmakers pave the way for Turkey to launch attacks against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists, members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and even Syrian government forces.

The Turkish government, according to the motion, could also allow foreign forces to use the country’s soil for their operations.

The parliament’s decision came days after the government stationed some 15 tanks that took position in the border town of Mursitpinar situated northwest of the Syrian border town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane to Kurds.

Since September 23, the United States and its allies have been conducting airstrikes against the ISIL inside Syria without authorization from Damascus or a United Nations mandate.

Ankara has reportedly been a major supporter of foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists operating to topple the Damascus government since March 2011.

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