China is on a mission to push America out of the East: PLA to buy 700 stealth fighters, says Jane’s


gfhChina is on a mission. What is her mission? Her mission is to chase down this American white man just like he did our Red Indian brothers here in the hells of North America.

Her destiny is to fight this beast in Asia and expose her while pushing her out of that area of the world as a power or one with influence. America is very aware of this. For she has studied scripture and realizes that is is right and exact ,so she is trying to preposition weapons, troops, warplanes, and a huge naval armada in the Asia pacific.

xcvb0She is trying to alter reality with brute force. But she is quickly realizing that Allah is the master planner and He has bestowed upon different people different missions. China is chasing down her mission and fate.

America can’t run from this. She will not be able to stop what is coming. China is readying for the conflict in more ways than economically!

PLA to buy 700 stealth fighters, says Jane’s

Concept art for China’s J-20 stealth fighter. (Internet photo)

The PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force are likely to purchase 700 new stealth fighters, said Edward Hunt, a senior defense consultant at IHS Aerospace, Defense & Security in an article written for the UK-based Jane’s Defence Weekly.

The United States alone will purchase 2,616 fifth-generation stealth fighters, including the F-22 and F-35 designed by Lockheed Martin, according to the article. Members of NATO including Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Turkey and Canada are planning to purchase a combined 600 F-35 fighters. In the Asia-Pacific region, Japan, South Korea and Australia will purchase an estimated 300 F-35s.

Russia, China and India are expected to acquire more than 1,500 fifth-generation stealth fighters to counter the United States. The fighters are designed to replace their older fourth-generation fighters including the Su-27, Su-30 and Mig-29. To confront any potential threat from F-35s among the US and its allies in the Far East, China is likely to purchase between 200 and 300 of Chengdu Aerospace Corporation’s J-20 and 400 of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation’s J-31.

With about 700 stealth fighters, China would be capable of dealing with Japanese and South Korean F-35s fighters over the disputed East China Sea. Meanwhile, they can be pitted against Australian’s F-35 in the Southern Pacific.

By 2030, more stealth fighters will be introduced into the global market. Japan is likely to purchase the Mitsubishi ATD-X for potential aerial combat against China over the Diaoyutai (Diaoyu or Senkaku) islands.

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