When you poke “The Bear” & the bear pokes back, don’t cry — Pentagon concerned by Russia bomber flights


hnn4Here it is. You are involved in more than 145 conflicts worldwide. You have bombed nations back to the stone age on falsified intelligence. You are bombing others as we speak.

hnnYou are threatening nations that won’t bow to your will. You are building up your might of arms in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia with your so-called “Pivots”! You are provoking nations to war.

You have violated Pakistan’s sovereign airspace. You are violating Afghanistan’s airspace daily. You have ignored China’s warnings over identifying yourself in their newly proclaimed air defense zones.

hnn3You have deployed your fighter planes in nations neighboring Russia, which used to be part of the formerly Russian led Warsaw pact. You are now even violating Syrian airspace under the cover of fighting the terror elements that you trained, funded, and supplied weapons too.

hnn2Now you are starting to cry when others tell you that two can play that game. You don’t like others doing unto you what you continue to unto others. This is hypocrisy and we know it is.

We know that….”America wants everyone to help her bemoan all of her set-backs but when she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing. She puts her feet upon their economic neck and destroys their independence as a nation

All this now returns to America.”–pg.110(tfoa)

Pentagon concerned by Russia bomber flights: US commander

Two of the Russian planes intercepted by the US and Canada were identified as Mig-31 fighter jets.

The Pentagon is increasingly concerned by long-range Russian bombers flying near American airspace, says a top US commander.

Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the US military’s Pacific Command, issued the warning Thursday after US jets intercepted six Russian Bear long-range bombers that neared US airspace off Alaska last week.

Locklear said the “Cold War-style activity” by Russia was raising questions for US military officials.

“Certainly the return of the long-range aircraft flights that we haven’t seen in any significant number over the last decade or so is concerning. And it’s something that we watch very carefully,” Admiral Locklear told reporters, according to Reuters.

In August, US military officials said that Russian strategic nuclear bombers conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern US and Canadian air defense zones over a 10-day period.

The United States and Russia are at loggerheads over the conflict in Ukraine, where pro-Russian forces have been fighting for control of eastern provinces.

Washington and its Western allies accuse Moscow of fueling unrest in eastern Ukraine by supplying arms to the pro-Russian forces. An accusation denied by the Kremlin.

The conflict has dragged US-Russia relations to their lowest levels since the Cold War.

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