The “Beast” has a veracious appetite for war!


zbigAs we have stated, and will continue to state, Allah has removed that barrier or curtain which kept these two opposing powers, Russia and America, at bey. Now both are starving for a fight. These two powers know that it is inevitable.

History teaches us this. Prophecy confirms it. And world events are baring it witness.

zbig2It is time. These two are after each other. Each wants to be the dominant power, but neither will be. All of the pieces of war are being set in place, and when Allah gives the execution order, these two powers will sally forth just as the Holy Qur’an tells us, and reduce the earth to a variable hell for themselves!

Can’t you see this is the offing? This is why there is so much back and forth and so much saber rattling! They are being forced into confrontation!

US confrontational policies provoking Russia: Former US Senate candidate

The US government’s attempt to encircle Russia and other “increasingly dangerous behavior” in Eastern Europe, including in neighboring Ukraine, is provoking Moscow to stand up against these “confrontational policies,” says a political commentator in San Antonio, Texas.


The Kremlin has demonstrated that “if the United States is going to play this kind of game of encirclement of Russia, the United States is going to play this kind of game with what it’s been encouraging in the Ukraine, the United States is going to be introducing NATO weaponry into former Eastern Bloc countries…the Russians are going to stand up to this,” said Mark Dankof, a broadcaster and former US Senate candidate.

According to top US commanders, the Pentagon is increasingly concerned by long-range Russian bombers flying near American airspace.

Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the US military’s Pacific Command, issued the warning on Thursday after US jets intercepted six Russian Bear long-range bombers that neared US airspace off Alaska last week.

In August, US military officials said that Russian strategic nuclear bombers conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern US and Canadian air defense zones over a 10-day period.

“The Russians are basically conveying with these flights that have been nearing American territory that two can play this game,” Dankof told Press TV on Friday.

“The United States has no one to blame but itself for this increasingly dangerous behavior that is in fact provoking the Russians to demonstrate that they’re not going to be pushed around,” he stated.

The United States and Russia are at loggerheads over the conflict in Ukraine, where pro-Russian forces have been fighting for control of eastern provinces.

Washington and its Western allies accuse Moscow of fueling unrest in eastern Ukraine by supplying arms to the pro-Russian forces. An accusation denied by the Kremlin.

The conflict has dragged US-Russia relations to their lowest levels since the Cold War.

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