Powerful Perennial Herbs To Chase The Doctor Away


Powerful Perennial Herbs To Chase The Doctor Away

Written by: Kimberlee Hertzer Natural Health

Let’s be honest: health care is expensive. After all, you spend thousands of dollars on health insurance and taking medication that your doctor and Big Pharma say you need. And even if you’re young and rarely sick, it’s not uncommon for you to catch an illness from a friend or coworker. Or your child gets sick and goes to the hospital. Then the bills begin to pile up.
Can you prevent this from happening? Yes!
Perennial herbs are one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to help improve your health. They are easy to grow because you only plant them once and they will continue to grow year after year. Not only that, but they can prevent you from getting sick and can heal many common health problems.
Here are five of my favorite perennial herbs – all of which can be grown indoors if you wish.
1. Chives
A member of the onion family, chives have beautiful purple flowers. They tolerate cold weather fairly well, and should be planted outdoors in early spring. After the flowers bloom, make sure that you remove the flowers or they may spread the seeds. But if chives do overwhelm your garden, they are easy to dig up and move.
The Hidden Secrets Of Making Herbal Medicines…Right At Your Fingertips!
In the Middle Ages, they were hung in the home to ward off disease and evil spirits. Chives help colds, stuffy noses, anemia and even upset stomachs. They’re popular on baked potatoes, but taste great on fish, omelets and chili.
2. Lavender
Lavender is the quintessential romantic plant. It’s been used in perfumes, sachets, soaps and lotions for hundreds of years. It is is native to Mediterranean landscapes; however, the popularity of lavender has spread throughout the world. But wherever it grows — whether in Oregon or England — this herb enjoys warm, well-drained soil, and full sun. When lavender plants die, it’s usually due to the soil being too damp, so make sure that you plant lavender in a sunny area.
Not only does lavender smell good, but it’s a powerful essential oil. Try using lavender essential oil to:
Relieve tension
Calm anxiety
Improve circulation
Clear acne
Disinfect skin
Treat head lice
Alleviate psoriasis
Be careful with lavender and never ingest it; it should only be inhaled or applied topically. Ingesting lavender could cause blurred vision, vomiting, diarrhea and many more serious problems…….MORE HERE

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