With Eyes On NATO’s Precision Strike Capabilities, Russia May Create Its Own Prompt Global Strike System


gssThis could be meant for only NATO nations, but one in particular….the US. Outside of China( which is Russia’s strategic partner), the US is the only other nation pushing for a global strike capability, so tell me who do you think this warning is meant for?

War is coming. The warnings are ominous! You just can’t get around all of the posturing and positioning of troops and weaponry.

Russia May Create Its Own Prompt Global Strike System: Defense Ministry


(RIA Novosti) – Russia might develop its own prompt global strike capability, but will adhere to a defensive doctrine in the development of strategic weaponry, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said Wednesday.
Russia can and will have to do it, but we will focus on the development of systems to counter these new types of weaponry because the main military doctrine of our country is of a defensive nature, and we are not planning to change it,” Borisov told reporters after a government meeting on the development of the state arms procurement program for 2016-2025.
He stressed that all the decisions of Russia’s authorities in the weapons development sphere should not be perceived as an arms race and attempts to increase military spending.
“This is not planned, and I hope, this will never be the case,” Borisov said.
“It is not within our interest to bloat the budget, we are interested in ensuring security of the state and protect population from possible threats..,” Borisov said.
Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the government meeting Russia needs to assess all potential military threats and find a sufficient and adequate response to each of them.

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