(Video)DOLLAR’S DOOM: Russia & China Want To Conduct Half Their Trade In Yuan And Roubles


DOLLAR’S DOOM: Russia & China Want To Conduct Half Their Trade In Yuan And Roubles

Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com

McDonald’s sales have been declining since December 2013. World bank warns we are in a global job crisis. Scotland could ask for its share of gold from the UK.


Russia and China are pushing the de-dollarization by conducting half of their trade in the yuan or rouble. MH17 report is out and it says the plane was hit with high energy projectiles, bullets.

Who did it is not in the report. Wiki-leaks reports that the Ukraine crisis was scripted back in 2008. French are making the case to invade Libya.

The US is getting 40 plus countries together to form a coalition to invade Syria. The Islamic State terror threat is being pushed for the next event.

This will be an inside job and will cover up the economic collapse.
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/dollars-doom-russia-china-want-to-conduct-half-their-trade-in-yuan-and-roubles/#AJdQZUoPtHlkwdav.99

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