She prides herself in using threats and military war games against other nations


nadShe prides herself in using threats and military war games against other nations to show that she is the pre-immenent power of the nations. America is drunk on power and authority. Even though she is falling she would like to present a face of power and confidence.

Those of us who study scripture and prophecy and realize the time, know that….”America’s burden in trying to protect herself from the attacking nations of the world is tremendous, one that she will not be able to carry. Therefore, she must succumb to the powerful forces that are coming against her. The fall of a nation makes way for another. As the earth continues, all nations and their civilizations are limited upon it, except the original nation, which takes on renewals and changes.

Though in appearance America seems steadfast, she is moving towards an ultimate end.”–pg.18(tfoa)

nad2She is trying to bluff the nations in a serious game of geopolitical chicken. Her deployment of troops and rallying of her military terroristic wing called NATO, will do nothing to stop the inevitable.

Drunk on what she use to be…” America wants everyone to believe she is right in her wicked dealings with the people of earth. With her might of arms commanding the high seas and the land around the glove, she wishes everyone to think she is right in building up arms and forts in foreign countries and on their shores a bristling, deadly navy with guns trained on foreign peoples’ towns and cities, as a dare without any cause. This only shows her pride and daring aggressive acts against people who would like to be at peace.”–Chp.33(tfoa)

So we see all of these things playing out globally. Her history is being lived out now. She is fulfilling every word written of her!

NATO stages massive military drills in Latvia (PHOTOS)

U.S. 173 airborne brigade soldiers leave a C-130 aircraft during the “Steadfast Javelin II” military exercise in the Lielvarde air base, September 6, 2014. (Reuters / Ints Kalnins)

As seven-day NATO military exercises continue to take place in Latvia, the organization says the drills are aimed at showing its commitment to Baltic member states in the face of an “assertive” Russia.

READ MORE: At least 4,000 troops: NATO approves new E. Europe-based spearhead force

Exercise Steadfast Javelin 2, which kicked off on September 2, simulates the deployment of NATO soldiers and equipment during a crisis situation. A total of around 2,000 soldiers from nine different countries are taking part in the maneuvers, which will carry on until Monday.

On Friday night, around 500 paratroopers landed at Lielvarde airport, located about 60 km from Latvia’s capital, Riga.

“We want to assure our people that we are able to protect them. Certainly on top of this we send a clear message to everyone who wants to threaten NATO, that it’s not a thing you should do. NATO will always defend and protect its people,” General Hans-Lothar Domrose, commander of the NATO military command in Brunssum, Netherlands, told reporters.

U.S.soldiers leave a C-17 aircraft during the "Steadfast Javelin II" military exercise in the Lielvarde

U.S.173 airborne brigade soldiers leave a C-17 aircraft during the “Steadfast Javelin II” military exercise in the Lielvarde air base, September 6, 2014. (Reuters / Ints Kalnins)U.S.173 airborne brigade soldiers leave a C-17 aircraft during the “Steadfast Javelin II” military exercise in the Lielvarde air base, September 6, 2014. (Reuters / Ints Kalnins)
The exercises in Latvia will be followed by other drills in Germany, Norway, Ukraine, and Poland later this autumn.

Steadfast Javelin 2 was reinforced by a NATO summit in Wales, where the bloc officially announced it was creating a new rapid reaction force. The spearhead of any such force would consist of 4,000-5,000 troops who would be able to deploy to any NATO member country within 48 hours.

“It needs to be a relatively light force. It needs to be a force that succeeds, builds upon intelligence and agility, and precision as opposed to weight of military force. It is an agile, precise, intelligence-led rapidly deployable force,” Lieutenant General Ed Davis, NATO deputy land commander, told Reuters.

‘Expansionism and destabilization’: Russia lashes out over NATO spearhead force in E. Europe

After 10 years of placing emphasis on military activity in Afghanistan, the alliance is now refocusing on what it refers to as the defense of its members…..MORE HERE

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