NATO policies are pushing towards nuclear war with Russia


nueuThese moves are being made by America in the background. She is the one steering these former Soviet Republics to this madness. God has them all in derision and they are arming themselves for war against each other.

This process is just the prelude to the eventual thermonuclear escapade that NATO will go on in its war with Russia. When this war takes place in Europe, America will be defeated as a global military power. Neither Russia nor America will be victorious, but Russia would do enough to force America back to her own shores.

nueu2We can see these things starting to take shape now. The lust for war. The thirst for provocations. And the deployment of forward bases and forces in Europe. This is only the intro to what will turn out to be a very sad song for anglo power globally.

This is why Messenger Muhammad stated time and again that….”There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be reckoned with. Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia. It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be thrown out.

nueu3Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking to maintain their rule over the nations of earth, and even to conquer outer-space.”–pg.231(foa)

This is going on now. And then we will see ….”East and West Germany must and will fight it out with all the deadly weapons that the war-scientists have planned and perfected for the final showdown.”–pg.172(tfoa)

This is only the prelude;

Poland, Baltics Urge NATO to Target Russia with Europe’s Ballistic Missile ‘Shield’

NATO has used the crisis in Ukraine to justify an expansion of its military forces near Russian borders.

(RIA Novosti) – Several NATO member states have reportedly thrown their weight behind an agenda of targeting Russia with the US-controlled ballistic missile “shield,” which is being built in Europe to allegedly guard the European Union against Iran, Germany’s Der Spiegel said Sunday.
According to the German daily, the push comes from Poland and the Baltic trio of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia who claim they “feel threatened by Russia’s intervention into Ukraine.”

Ahead of the NATO summit at the end of next week, the four countries have urged the military bloc to mention Moscow as a potential aggressor in its summit communique and have safeguards against Russia hardwired into the document, as they did with Iran.
“The majority, especially Germany, have opposed [this proposal] to avoid provoking Moscow unnecessarily, because NATO had spent years trying to assure the Russians that its missile shield wouldn’t target them,” Der Spiegel said.
The German paper said further debates had been put off till after the summit, which is scheduled for 4-5 September in Newport, South Wales.
The move came after NATO hit out at Russia for allegedly ordering its humanitarian aid convoy across the border with Ukraine, which it said was a flagrant violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.
Russia’s ambassador to UN, Vitaly Churkin, retorted that Kiev’s permission was granted to Moscow back on August 12, while the Red Cross bowed out of escorting the convoy after leaving the 227 trucks stranded at the border for a week. The vehicles were confirmed by Ukrainian customs officials to be carrying food, water and generators to the besieged city of Luhansk in Ukraine’s east.
NATO has repeatedly blamed Russia for the escalation of tensions in Ukraine and building up arms and troops on the country’s border. The alliance has used the crisis to justify an expansion of its military forces near Russian borders, bumping up the number of air patrol missions in Eastern Europe. Today, the United States has missile defense bases in Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic.

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