(Video Inc.)Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering


Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering

By Tom Boggioni
Police with Taser [Flickr creative commons] https://www.flickr.com/photos/trojan631/4389836692/
An Albany police officer, who shot and killed an undocumented immigrant four years ago, has been suspended and is facing dismissal after video captured him tasering a kneeling teen who was surrendering at the time of the incident.

Sgt. Vincent P. Igoe, is under investigation by both local authorities and the FBI after he tasered 16-year-old Kelijah Fink following a high speed chase that authorities claim reached 110 miles per hour, according to CBS6 Albany.

Source: www.rawstory.com

According to authorities, Igoe joined in the pursuit already in progress after officers spotted Fink driving with his headlights off. When police finally pulled Fink over after he struck several stop signs and a fence as he tried to out run them, Igoe allegedly approached the car and fired his Taser through a broken car window, but missed. After exiting the vehicle, Fink knelt on the ground with his hands behind his head. A police video camera captured footage of Igoe again firing his Taser at Fink, this time striking the teen, paralyzing him with a powerful electric shock..
Following a review of the tape, authorities suspended Igoe and have initiated termination proceedings.

Admitting that he has not seen the tape, Igoe’s attorney, Stephen G. DeNigris, disputed the decision, stating, “”(The) suspension was the result of an inadequate investigation and complete lack of objective evidence. Apparently, the Sheriff’s office chose to ignore the fundamentals of conducting a fair, complete and objective investigation before taking action against the sergeant.”

Igoe was previously involved in a high profile incident in November 2010, when he shot and killed Mexican immigrant Marcus DeJesus Alvarez on a deserted road. Igoe claimed Alvarez threw a piece of concrete at him after being ordered to stop approaching the officer.

Internal affairs eventually cleared Igoe and he returned to work after two months of psychological counseling.

Fink is currently facing a misdemeanor count of fleeing a police officer, reckless driving, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, speeding ,and unsafe lane change. Following his arrest, Fink was arraigned and released on $2,000 bond.

Watch video below from CBS 6 Albany:

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