Missouri disturbances reflect social discrimination in U.S.: Spanish experts


Missouri disturbances reflect social discrimination in U.S.: Spanish experts


The past two weeks’ protests in Missouri, the United States reflected the social inequality and discrimination in the country, which noticeably affect citizens of Afro-American origin, Spanish experts have said.

Augusto Soto, professor at the Higher School of Company Administration and Management (ESADE) in Spain, made the remarks during an interview with Xinhua on the continued protests in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, following the recent shooting of an unarmed 18-year Afro-American man by a white policeman.

Soto said that the latest disturbances in Missouri may be not as serious as those witnessed in Los Angeles in 1992, but are still very significant, given that the “clear injustice” that sparked the protests has caused an impact all over the world.

They have put into question the image of “social harmony” projected by the United States as the world is seeing that although “the American Dream clearly exists,” there is also an “American Reality”, the expert said.

“In the face of this, the North American tendency to give morality classes on human rights on a worldwide scale is something that should perhaps first be taught internally, at home,” the expert said.

Director of the Galician Institute of International Analysis and Documentation (IGADI), Xulio Rios, also said that the racially motivated disturbances in Missouri reflected the persistent problems of racial discrimination in the United States and the structural nature of this problem, such as the serious lack of human rights which affects the Afro-American population.

Meanwhile, the problems between local and federal authorities and weaknesses in the electoral system which lead to under-representation of the Afro-American population, along with the maintenance of a legal structure under the overwhelming control of the white community, showed that although legal discrimination was eliminated in the United States 50 years ago, the problem is still very real, according to Rios.

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