The White House’s “Tom” stands exposed: Obama is African-American, but blacks still suffering police brutality in US


tomA black face masking white injustice and white supremacy is what you see and get living in the master’s plantation at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenues, Washington D.C.. He stands exposed and now even those in the know who are white, and having a little bit of sympathy for the ex-slaves, are saying so!

……” This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.

   America wishes to oppose Allah (God) in this work of bringing justice and freedom to her once slaves, but this is just what Allah (God) wants. He (Allah) wants America to attack Him, to get the fight started and to bring His judgment against her with the fullness of His strength and power.

   America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America. The plan of deceiving the so-called Negro politicians to work against their own freedom, justice and equality (salvation) that Allah (God) has brought to them, is making the so-called Negroes in high offices become the enemy of his own people’s freedom, justice and equality.

   Such offices are held out as a bribe to get Black politicians to work against the spread of the truth of their salvation. They are happy — and their boss knows that they are — to have a place near him in such offices just for the purpose of trying to oppose Allah and His Messenger in freeing the poor Black man who is in the mud.

   This is causing the political confusion and complete destruction of the house divided against itself.”–Chp.48(tfoa)

     Obama is African-American, but blacks still suffering police brutality in US

Member of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression Joe Iosbaker says the black people in the United States are still suffering police brutality while the country’s president is an African-American.

“Even though an African-American has been elected president and there is a black Attorney General [Eric Holder], the law, the police, the courts, they’re not about justice,” Iosbaker, a Leader of the United National Antiwar Coalition, told Press TV on Wednesday.


“The government is there to protect the richest class in our society and the state enforces the oppression of African-Americans,” he added.

American protesters are still in the streets in Ferguson, demanding justice for an unarmed black teen killed by a white policeman and an end to racial discrimination.

Police officers clashed with protesters since the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9.

Iosbaker also noted that the police certainly protect the rulers and African-Americans are the main target of this so-called justice system.

“The whole world is watching Ferguson, Missouri. Perhaps the politicians in Missouri are coming in for condemnation, being called out for their mishandling of the protests there, but it’s not just the politicians in Missouri, President Obama has had to address the crisis as well,” he said.

“When Michael Brown was killed, it might have been just another death of a black man at the hands of the police, but this time it’s different, the community there, and especially the poorest people and the youth, have refused to accept the murder.”

“They’re demanding justice and they’re standing up to the police and the National Guard. They’re defiant in the face of 10 days of unrelenting violence against them,” he continued.

International human rights organizations are calling on the authorities in the United States to respect people’s right to protest and to exercise restraint.

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