Ferguson police ‘mistakenly arrested an innocent man before viciously beating him so bad he was taken to hospital and then charged for bleeding on THEIR uniforms’


Ferguson police ‘mistakenly arrested an innocent man before viciously beating him so bad he was taken to hospital and then charged for bleeding on THEIR uniforms’

Henry Davis, 52, was arrested in Ferguson, Missouri, on September 20, 2009
Police had mistaken him for a man of the same name with an outstanding warrant
Davis claims police realized their mistake but still locked him up
He was allegedly beaten by a group of four officers
He was held for several days before being charged with four counts of property damage

Police in Ferguson had mistakenly arrested a man before the Michael Brown shooting and, after realizing, proceeded to beat him up in a holding cell and then charge him with destruction of property for bleeding on their uniforms, it has been claimed.
Henry Davis, 52, had missed his turn off for the Missouri city of St. Charles during heavy rain late at night on September 20, 2009, pulling over about 20 miles away in Ferguson.
While waiting for the rain to clear about 3am, a patrol officer ran Davis’ plates and arrested him on an outstanding warrant – however it was the wrong Henry Davis.
The wanted man had a different middle name and Social Security number, but Davis, a welder, said the officer cuffed him and put him into a patrol car without explanation, The Daily Beast reported.
‘Excessive force’: Henry Davis, 52, said in a lawsuit that he was arrested by Ferguson in September 2009 for no reason, severely beaten in lock-up and then charged with ‘property damage’ for bleeding on the uniforms of four officers
henry davis1
‘Excessive force’: Henry Davis, 52, said in a lawsuit that he was arrested by Ferguson in September 2009 for no reason, severely beaten in lock-up and then charged with ‘property damage’ for bleeding on the uniforms of four officers
Davis had protested his innocence, and said the cops realized their mistake at Ferguson police station, recalling a booking officer saying: ‘We have a problem.’
But Davis was placed in a one-man cell, which already had one man asleep on the only single bed.
Being early morning and cold, he asked for a sleeping mat from a nearby pile, but was refused.
Some time later, Davis said in a lawsuit file thereafter, the booking officer returned to the cell with three other officers.
He said he was slammed against the back wall by one of them and told to lay down with his hands behind his back.
Davis was straddled by a female officer, he said, and cuffed.
Two officers then entered the cell, he said…..MORE HERE

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2726727/Ferguson-police-mistakenly-arrested-innocent-man-viciously-beating-charging-bleeding-THEIR-uniforms.html#ixzz3Ab9whJN3

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