US has ‘long history’ of police brutality against blacks(But this is what she was founded on!)


usdWhen you view the video below and read the words written, you will understand that widely seen and understood that blacks are not only demonized and vilified by white society, especially here in America, they are considered less than dogs and are not even acknowledged as human beings or citizens of this evil nation.

Know this one thing for sure as you view the news below…..”There will not be an end to the clashes between Black and white America — and throughout the world — until wrong, evil, murdering, deceiving and robbing the poor Black man of the earth, is destroyed and righteousness and justice are practiced.

usd2This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.

usd3America wishes to oppose Allah (God) in this work of bringing justice and freedom to her once slaves, but this is just what Allah (God) wants. He (Allah) wants America to attack Him, to get the fight started and to bring His judgment against her with the fullness of His strength and power.”–Chp.48(tfoa)

US has ‘long history’ of police brutality against blacks: Social activist


The United States has a “long history” of police brutality against African-Americans, where blacks are “frequently” murdered by US law enforcement agencies, a social activist in Georgia says.

usd4Violence and brutality is deeply rooted in the American police culture, said Bruce A. Dixon, managing editor at Black Agenda Report, and a state committee member of the Georgia Green Party.

The shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, which has sparked outrage and riots, “is one more incident of a type that seems to happen frequently,” Dixon told Press TV during a phone interview on Monday.

“It seems to happen at one place or another in this country every 28 hours,” he said. “A group called Malcolm X grassroots organization did a study couple of years ago that said every 28 hours, an African American is murdered by police or security people in this country, so this is not a new kind of incident.”

On Saturday, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot multiple times by an officer in Ferguson, a predominantly black suburb a few miles north of downtown St. Louis, Missouri.

Police officials the teenager was killed after a scuffle between two people and a police officer, who has now been put on administrative leave. Witnesses dispute that account, however, and say Brown was unarmed and had his hands up when the officer fired.

Brown, who was set to begin college on Monday, was walking to his grandmother’s house when the shooting happened. Brown’s family and other residents are now calling for a full investigation into the incident.

His death sparked riots Sunday night and stores near the scene of the incident were looted while police in riot gear tried to control the crowd. Footage from social media sites paints a picture of complete chaos on the streets of Ferguson.

“There’s just a long, long history of this stuff and people are just fed up with it; not just black people, not just African Americans, but lots of people are fed up with it and this sort of behavior is deep, deep within the culture of policing in the United States,” Dixon noted.


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