Missouri officer guns down unarmed black teenager: The character of American society has always been to exploit, denigrate, scapegoat, demonize, and then kill their ex-slaves.


moThe character of American society has always been to exploit, denigrate, scapegoat, demonize, and then kill their ex-slaves. They can always justify the killing of black people in a nation that was built by the free labor, sweat, blood, lives, and sacrifices of tens of millions of blacks who were forced to these shores in chains.

mo2Even today, she is against giving her slaves justice. She will beat and kill you, then use her propaganda organs(media) to demonize and vilify the victim. This is her modus of operandi.

mo3She hates you to the very core and this is the core why her judgment cannot be averted. She has a standing army of hundreds of thousands of your kind, yet justice still alludes you. Never forget that….”According to their own history writing, bringing us from our native land and people into the Western Hemisphere was not for the purpose of making themselves friendly people to us and our nation, but to deceive us as being that which they actually were not – a friend and advisor to us, while at the same time, depriving us of truth, justice and equality even now, after four hundred years of servitude slavery.”–pg.50(tfoa)

 Outrage after Missouri officer guns down unarmed black teenager


Police officers try to break up a crowd in Ferguson, Mo., on Saturday as angry residents filled the streets after a police officer gunned down an 18-year-old black teenager.

Hundreds of angry residents filled the streets in the city of Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday after police gunned down an unarmed black teenager.

It was not immediately clear what prompted the Ferguson officer to shoot dead 18-year-old Michael Brown in the street near St Louis Saturday afternoon.

Multiple witnesses told local media that Brown was unarmed and had his hands up in the air when he was gunned down.

The officer “shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air,” witness Dorian Johnson told KMOV. “He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.”

A spokesman for the St. Louis County Police Department confirmed that a Ferguson police officer shot the young man and promised an investigation.

Brown’s grandmother, Desiree Harris, said she found his grandson’s body in the middle of the street minutes after he was expected to arrive at her home. “When I got up there, my grandson was lying on the pavement. I asked the police what happened. They didn’t tell me nothing,” she was quoted by AP as saying.

Louis Head, Brown’s stepfather, held a sign that said, “Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son.”

The fatal shooting ignited shouts of “kill the police” among at least 200 protesters during a confrontation that lasted several hours. Some 100 police cars from 15 departments also descended to the scene, according to KSDK.

The incident invokes the outrage after the 2012 racially-charged shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a Florida neighborhood watch organizer who was later acquitted of murder charges.

An African-American New York resident also died last month from a police “chokehold” after he was confronted for selling individual cigarettes on the street.

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