(Video Inc.)The republic is no more…This is police state America!


psJust like in the last days of Herod’s rule and in the last days of Pharaoh’s rule, the leaders and their governments became paranoid, fearful, and excited over what was taking place around them and within their own borders. A similar time has dawned on America, the former glory of the world. She too is falling.

Her leaders are aware of the time and realize that this is the day of their taking. This nation will soon be no more. The republic is actually collapsing right in front of us.

ps2God has come in person to destroy this most evil of nations. Her politicians see it. They have lost the power of a creative mind. They can no longer bring before the people the needs of their nation and now the people are revolting.

The Holy Qur’an makes mention of this time….”Holy Qur’an 81:6,7,12

And when the cities are set a fire.

And when men are united.

And when the hell is kindled.

The Folding Up is the title, taken from the first verse of that chapter, in which the above verses are found.

ps3When the sun is folded up (Holy Qur’an 81:1) symbolically prophesies the folding up of a recorded work — a record of what people have done, as its use will no longer be necessary. This chapter refers to what takes place in the resurrection.

One party is recorded as a beginning, while the other party is discontinued. We see this clearly being made manifest today. War causes the destruction of civilizations. Wars destroy the cities and towns of a nation. This chapter, 81, of the Holy Qur’an is now being fulfilled.”–pg.164(tfoa)

ps4As we look deep into the root cause of the fall of America, we can see prophecy revealed…..”At home, America’s country is as the prophet foresaw and prophesied of it; America is covered with planes and her army is standing ready to stop inside rebellion. The prophet who foresaw all of this readiness and preparation for the world showdown of military might, says, “Woe to the land shadowing with wings…” (Bible Is. 18:1).–pg.124(tfoa)

Ret. Marine Col: DHS Is Prepping For War With Americans

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