(Satellite war imminent? US launches spy sats for orbital surveillance)– America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. S



sat2The nations are gearing up for that great decisive battle in the sky. They are arming the land, sea, air, and outer space with every deadly weapon they can imagine or build. They will not go quietly in the sunset so they must be pushed out!

satThe description given concerning her(America’s) action goes like this….”America’s actions fit the description of the prophecy (Bible) “The beast has eyes around about.” This refers to the mechanical listening devices with which America listens in on other people’s private affairs, as well as her listening in on foreign governmental affairs. This also refers to her powerful telescope.

sat3America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.

The Bible says Allah (God) will destroy those who delight themselves in making war.”–pg.115(tfoa)

sat4You say satellite wars….but i say why? It’s because the time demands that prophecy and scripture must and is being fulfilled now….”Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like that. Russia goes and saddles the space right around the earth to watch America! That is who she is watching. America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. She knows the Revelator, John, said that she would be the first that God would destroy. The Fat Beast that everybody is frightened of, kill him first, because He has killed my people! “–pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

Satellite war imminent? US launches spy sats for orbital surveillance

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