Death Angels are working all across America: 8-year-old boy in Detroit killed by bullet that went through wall


2deathEvery single day….every hour of the day the hand of death is taking hold of the people. The death angels are everywhere. Their work can be seen any and everywhere in America. Because she rejected the presence of God & His Messenger in the midst of the people, the people of the nation are being visited by the same type of death angels that ancient Egypt, Babylon, Sodom & Gomorrah, & past nations were subjected to after they rejected divine guidance and mercy.

Black America, there is no refuge for you in America. You must come to Allah to come to success and safety. This is your only safety zone from these death angels and their work…But the only door is Messenger Elijah Muhammad.

There is no other way. There is no other way of escape. No prepping or hoarding or hiding will save you today.

1death….”The boil has come to a bursting point. We are in a troubled world. We are in a world that is now erupting.

Black man, who was once a slave in America, you have a way of escape. The way out is not on your own terms. It is on the condition that you submit to Allah (God) and come, follow me. This is the only way out. I am the door and I have the key to your salvation. Reject it and die.”–pg.172(tfoa)

8-year-old boy in Detroit killed by bullet that went through wall

Police said the bullet was fired from outside the family’s home and went through a wall.

An 8-year-old boy in the US state of Michigan was killed Wednesday morning after a bullet struck him while he was sleeping at his family’s home on Detroit’s east side.

Police said the bullet was fired from outside the family’s home and went through a wall. Eight-year-old Jakari Pearson was rushed to a hospital but died from a gunshot to his chest.

Police have not arrested any suspects in the killing but are questioning a “person of interest.”

“The person we are talking to has not been arrested or been identified as a suspect in the shooting,” Sgt. Mike Woody said. “He’s nothing more than a person of interest in this case and is being interviewed. He did not voluntarily come to us but was found through good, old-fashioned police work, plus tips from the community.”

Neighbors said the shooter could be a man who was angry at his mother. Beatrice Spears, whose sons went to the same school as Jakari, said she heard gunfire followed by the mother’s screams and when she got outside, the boy was on the porch and his family and police were awaiting an ambulance.

Spears said “the kids are going to be terrified” following the tragic incident.

According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, an average of 8 children and teenagers in the United States are killed by guns every day.

Many critics blame the notoriously liberal gun control laws in the US for the country’s high rate of gun violence.

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