(Her every thought is of war)Weapons of mass production: The US Army plans to use 3D printers to make warheads


Weapons of mass production: The US Army plans to use 3D printers to make warheads

3D printing allows for more precise parts and more sensors thereby creating a safer design that won’t break the bank
The Army uses 3D skin to replicate soldier’s wounds for research and to create bio printed skin
‘Maybe someday an entire warhead or rocket could be produced as the technology further matures,’ said an army researcher

The U.S. Army plans to utilize 3D printing technology to build warheads with smaller more compact parts that both save the army money and allow for more security measures.
‘3D printing of warheads will allow us to have better design control and utilize geometries and patterns that previously could not be produced or manufactured,’ James Zunino, a researcher at the Armament Research, Engineering, and Design Center told Motherboard.
Zunino explains that since 3D printing allows for smaller more precise parts and more sensors, it will make for a safer design that won’t break the bank. Precision also allows for more effective and lethal weapons.
Small parts mean big changes: 3-D printed parts may transform the way that the US Army builds weapons such as warheads and missiles
Small parts mean big changes: 3-D printed parts may transform the way that the US Army builds weapons such as warheads and missiles
‘Warheads could be designed to meet specific mission requirements whether it is to improve safety to meet an Insensitive Munitions requirement, or it could have tailorable effects, better control, and be scalable to achieve desired lethality,’ Zunino said.
3D printing could allow for the printing of intricate structures all at once as oppose to individually assembling a weapon’s parts.

‘3D printing also allows for integrating components together to add capabilities at reduced total life cycle costs,’ Zunino explained.
3D printing will also make munitions more affordable.
‘It is expected that 3D printing will reduce life-cycle costs of certain items and make munitions more affordable in the long run through implementation of design for manufacturability, and capitalizing on the add capabilities that 3D printing and additive manufacturing can bring to munitions and warheads.’
More efficient: 3D printers allow for mass producing precise parts that will add to weapon safety and lethality all at a cheaper price
More efficient: 3D printers allow for mass producing precise parts that will add to weapon safety and lethality all at a cheaper price
The Daily Dot reports that so far the army has utilized 3D technology to make bio printed skin for wounded soldiers.
Technology can scan a soldier’s injury and replicate it so that doctors can practice treating certain types of wounds.
‘Many of the injuries soldiers receive the field are not traditional. A lot of the medical community sees [3D printing] as a new approach to medicine. We can 3D scan injuries. We can replicate with those injuries are. Surgeons and medics can practice on those specific types of injuries and provide better service to the war fighter,’ said Thomas Russell, director of the U.S Army Research Laboratory.
Whether it’s healing soldiers or producing state of the art technology, the U.S. army has 3D printers on the brain.
‘Maybe someday an entire warhead or rocket could be produced as the technology further matures,’ said Zunino.
Second skin: The US Army has already begun using 3D printers to replicate soldier’s wounds so that doctors can practice healing different types of war specific injuries
Second skin: The US Army has already begun using 3D printers to replicate soldier’s wounds so that doctors can practice healing different types of war specific injuries
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2707818/Weapons-mass-production-The-US-Army-plans-use-3D-printers-make-warheads.html#ixzz38iObJLc6

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