(Video Inc.)They are bold enough to even ask your own relatives to help them to do you evil — NY DHS Offers $500 To Rat Out Your Neighbors


intProphecy is unfolding in this day. As the American nation crumbles to pieces, the government gets more and more desperate. You should know that….”Our future is at stake, and 99 per cent of us do not know it. With ever-evil snoopers around you seeking an excuse to do their worst to you makes it hard for the 99 percent ignorant to ever know the truth. Their greatest desire is to prevent you from ever accepting the truth. They claim the truth to be subversive and hate teachings. They seek any kind of charge to place against us to get revenge for our teaching the truth. They tap our telephones, eavesdrop and follow us around from place to place, and use tape recording machines; and the hypocrites and stool pigeons among us keep them up to date on what we say and do. They are bold enough to even ask your own relatives to help them to do you evil; and due to fear and ignorance on the part of my poor people, the enemies hire them to destroy themselves. Truth hurts the guilty.”–pg.47(tfoa)

As you will hear and see for yourselves below, Messenger Elijah Muhammad called it first, and the proves lies in the quote above!

NY DHS Offers $500 To Rat Out Your Neighbors


New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature. http://www.truthandaction.org/ny-dhs-…

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/ny-dhs-offers-500-to-rat-out-your-neighbors/#ThQzg6wWp3PqEUPP.99

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