US refuses to recognize human rights of African-Americans, because their nature won’t allow them too!


hur“We, the whole nation of the lost-found members of the Black nation in America, must remember that for the past four hundred years we have been reared by the enemies of our fathers.

According to their own history writing, bringing us from our native land and people into the Western Hemisphere was not for the purpose of making themselves friendly people to us and our nation, but to deceive us as being that which they actually were not – a friend and advisor to us, while at the same time, depriving us of truth, justice and equality even now, after four hundred years of servitude slavery.

hur2We must remember that the deceiver actually has deceived us. The coming of God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom praise is due forever)is to make manifest this arch deceiver’s work against us and to acquaint us with the nature of the arch deceiver – that deceit is part of his very nature.

hur3He (Allah) comes to give us the knowledge of the god of evil who had freedom for the past six thousand years to deceive not only you and me but also the entire nations of the earth.

This is the greatest salvation that God (Allah) could bring to you and me – to know the source of our trouble and its cause. The power of the Manifestor is to remove this cause which has affected the Black nation for six thousand years.

It is worth the heaven and the earth to us when we agree on not trying to make them our friends, which by nature they cannot be, even if they wanted to.”–pg.50(tfoa)

    US refuses to recognize human rights of African-Americans


hur4The United States does not recognize the human rights of African-Americans in case of recent police violence against the community, a political commentator says.

Randy Short from Black Autonomy Network Community Organization made the remarks when asked to comment about police brutality in New York.

A new video footage showed a New York City police officer used a chokehold on a suspected man in an incident that took place days before another resident Eric Garner died during a similar arrest last week.

Ronald Johns was arrested for allegedly sneaking through the emergency exit at a subway station.

Garner also suffered a heart attack and later died after being subject to a chokehold, a tactic prohibited by NYPD policy.

“The United States refuses to recognize the human rights of African-Americans. The United States refuses to be a signatory nation supporting the social, political rights [of African-Americans],” Short told Press TV on Thursday.

On Sunday, dozens of people in California protested against police brutality in the United States.

The protesters showed their support for those who have had family members killed by police officers. Dozens of families who have lost loved ones to law enforcement took part in the demonstration.

“The police brutality and the chokehold fact that killed quite a few primarily African-American males and Latino males of course it was found unlawful,” Short said.

“There is nothing to prevent law enforcement in New York and anywhere in the United States to prevent them from killing,” he added.


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